return substr( line, 1, len) inline(substr(line, len + 1));
# inline links
- } else if ( match(line, "^" lii "\\([\\n\\t ]*" lid "([\\n\\t ]+" lit ")?[\\n\\t ]*\\)") ) {
+ } else if ( match(line, "^" lii "\\([\n\t ]*" lid "([\n\t ]+" lit ")?[\n\t ]*\\)") ) {
len = RLENGTH;
text = href = title = substr( line, 1, len);
- sub("^\\[", "", text); sub("\\]\\([\\n\\t ]*" lid "([\\n\\t ]+" lit ")?[\\n\\t ]*\\)$", "", text);
- sub("^" lii "\\([\\n\\t ]*", "", href); sub("([\\n\\t ]+" lit ")?[\\n\\t ]*\\)$", "", href);
- sub("^" lii "\\([\\n\\t ]*" lid, "", title); sub("[\\n\\t ]*\\)$", "", title); sub("^[\\n\\t ]+", "", title);
+ sub("^\\[", "", text); sub("\\]\\([\n\t ]*" lid "([\n\t ]+" lit ")?[\n\t ]*\\)$", "", text);
+ sub("^" lii "\\([\n\t ]*", "", href); sub("([\n\t ]+" lit ")?[\n\t ]*\\)$", "", href);
+ sub("^" lii "\\([\n\t ]*" lid, "", title); sub("[\n\t ]*\\)$", "", title); sub("^[\n\t ]+", "", title);
if ( match(href, /^<.*>$/) ) { sub(/^</, "", href); sub(/>$/, "", href); }
if ( match(title, /^".*"$/) ) { sub(/^"/, "", title); sub(/"$/, "", title); }
# inline images
- } else if ( match(line, "^!" lix "\\([\\n\\t ]*" lid "([\\n\\t ]+" lit ")?[\\n\\t ]*\\)(\\{[a-zA-Z \\t-]*\\})?") ) {
+ } else if ( match(line, "^!" lix "\\([\n\t ]*" lid "([\n\t ]+" lit ")?[\n\t ]*\\)(\\{[a-zA-Z \t-]*\\})?") ) {
len = RLENGTH; text = href = title = attrib = substr( line, 1, len);
sub("^!\\[", "", text);
- sub("\\]\\([\\n\\t ]*" lid "([\\n\\t ]+" lit ")?[\\n\\t ]*\\)(\\{[a-zA-Z \\t-]*\\})?$", "", text);
+ sub("\\]\\([\n\t ]*" lid "([\n\t ]+" lit ")?[\n\t ]*\\)(\\{[a-zA-Z \t-]*\\})?$", "", text);
- sub("^!" lix "\\([\\n\\t ]*", "", href);
- sub("([\\n\\t ]+" lit ")?[\\n\\t ]*\\)(\\{[a-zA-Z \\t-]*\\})?$", "", href);
+ sub("^!" lix "\\([\n\t ]*", "", href);
+ sub("([\n\t ]+" lit ")?[\n\t ]*\\)(\\{[a-zA-Z \t-]*\\})?$", "", href);
- sub("^!" lix "\\([\\n\\t ]*" lid, "", title);
- sub("[\\n\\t ]*\\)(\\{[a-zA-Z \\t-]*\\})?$", "", title);
- sub("^[\\n\\t ]+", "", title);
+ sub("^!" lix "\\([\n\t ]*" lid, "", title);
+ sub("[\n\t ]*\\)(\\{[a-zA-Z \t-]*\\})?$", "", title);
+ sub("^[\n\t ]+", "", title);
- sub("^!" lix "\\([\\n\\t ]*" lid "([\\n\\t ]+" lit ")?[\\n\\t ]*\\)", "", attrib);
+ sub("^!" lix "\\([\n\t ]*" lid "([\n\t ]+" lit ")?[\n\t ]*\\)", "", attrib);
sub(/^\{[ \t]*/, "", attrib); sub(/[ \t]*\}$/, "", attrib); gsub(/[ \t]+/, " ", attrib);
if ( match(href, /^<.*>$/) ) { sub(/^</, "", href); sub(/>$/, "", href); }
return headline( n, text, 0 ) _block( substr( block, len + 1) );
# block images (wrapped in <figure>)
- } else if ( match(block, "^!" lix "\\([\\n\\t ]*" lid "([\\n\\t ]+" lit ")?[\\n\\t ]*\\)(\\{[a-zA-Z \\t-]*\\})?(\\n|$)") ) {
+ } else if ( match(block, "^!" lix "\\([\n\t ]*" lid "([\n\t ]+" lit ")?[\n\t ]*\\)(\\{[a-zA-Z \t-]*\\})?(\n|$)") ) {
len = RLENGTH; text = href = title = attrib = substr( block, 1, len);
sub("^!\\[", "", text);
- sub("\\]\\([\\n\\t ]*" lid "([\\n\\t ]+" lit ")?[\\n\\t ]*\\)(\\{[a-zA-Z \\t-]*\\})?(\\n.*)?$", "", text);
+ sub("\\]\\([\n\t ]*" lid "([\n\t ]+" lit ")?[\n\t ]*\\)(\\{[a-zA-Z \t-]*\\})?(\n.*)?$", "", text);
- sub("^!" lix "\\([\\n\\t ]*", "", href);
- sub("([\\n\\t ]+" lit ")?[\\n\\t ]*\\)(\\{[a-zA-Z \\t-]*\\})?(\\n.*)?$", "", href);
+ sub("^!" lix "\\([\n\t ]*", "", href);
+ sub("([\n\t ]+" lit ")?[\n\t ]*\\)(\\{[a-zA-Z \t-]*\\})?(\n.*)?$", "", href);
- sub("^!" lix "\\([\\n\\t ]*" lid, "", title);
- sub("[\\n\\t ]*\\)(\\{[a-zA-Z \\t-]*\\})?(\\n.*)?$", "", title);
- sub("^[\\n\\t ]+", "", title);
+ sub("^!" lix "\\([\n\t ]*" lid, "", title);
+ sub("[\n\t ]*\\)(\\{[a-zA-Z \t-]*\\})?(\n.*)?$", "", title);
+ sub("^[\n\t ]+", "", title);
- sub("^!" lix "\\([\\n\\t ]*" lid "([\\n\\t ]+" lit ")?[\\n\\t ]*\\)", "", attrib);
- sub("(\\n.*)?$", "", attrib);
+ sub("^!" lix "\\([\n\t ]*" lid "([\n\t ]+" lit ")?[\n\t ]*\\)", "", attrib);
+ sub("(\n.*)?$", "", attrib);
sub(/^\{[ \t]*/, "", attrib); sub(/[ \t]*\}$/, "", attrib); gsub(/[ \t]+/, " ", attrib);
if ( match(href, /^<.*>$/) ) { sub(/^</, "", href); sub(/>$/, "", href); }
iea = "\\*([^\\*[:space:]]|[^\\*[:space:]]" na "[^\\*[:space:]])\\*" # inner <em> (asterisk)
isa = "\\*\\*([^\\*[:space:]]|[^\\*[:space:]]" na "[^\\*[:space:]])\\*\\*" # inner <strong> (asterisk)
- lix="\\[(\\\\[^\\n]|[^]\\n\\\\[])*\\]" # link text
- lid="(<(\\\\[^\\n]|[^\\n<>\\\\])*>|([^<\\n\\t ()\\\\]|\\\\[^\\n])(\\\\[\\n]|[^\\n\\t ()\\\\])*)" # link dest
- lit="(\"(\\\\.|[^\"\\\\])*\"|'(\\\\.|[^'\\\\])*'|\\((\\\\.|[^()\\\\])*\\))" # link text
+ lix="\\[(\\\\[^\n]|[^]\n\\\\[])*\\]" # link text
+ lid="(<(\\\\[^\n]|[^\n<>\\\\])*>|(\\\\.|[^()\"'\\\\])+|([^<\n\t ()\\\\]|\\\\[^\n])(\\\\[\n]|[^\n\t \\(\\)\\\\])*)" # link dest
+ lit="(\"(\\\\.|[^\"\\\\])*\"|'(\\\\.|[^'\\\\])*'|\\((\\\\.|[^\\(\\)\\\\])*\\))" # link text
# link text with image def
- lii="\\[(\\\\[^\\n]|[^]\\n\\\\[])*(!" lix "\\([\\n\\t ]*" lid "([\\n\\t ]+" lit ")?[\\n\\t ]*\\))?(\\\\[^\\n]|[^]\\n\\\\[])*\\]"
+ lii="\\[(\\\\[^\n]|[^]\n\\\\[])*(!" lix "\\([\n\t ]*" lid "([\n\t ]+" lit ")?[\n\t ]*\\))?(\\\\[^\n]|[^]\n\\\\[])*\\]"
# Buffering of full file ist necessary, e.g. to find reference links
while (getline) { file = file $0 "\n"; }