#!/bin/zsh export LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8 # basic functions die() { echo "$*" >/dev/stderr exit 1 } debug() { #change to false to disable debugging #true && echo "$*" >>debug true && [ -n "$*" ] && echo -E "$*" >>/dev/stderr true && [ -z "$*" ] && tee /dev/stderr } # this program is supposed to be symlinked into a http root directory # we will use the http root as object storage (data directory) and call sub # programs from the directory in which the real executable resides # therefore we need to identify the code and data directories _EXEC and _DATA call="$0" real="$(readlink -f $call)" _EXEC="$(dirname "$real")" #execution directory _DATA="$(dirname "$call")" #storage directory [ -w "$_DATA" ] && [ -d "$_DATA" ] || die "storage directory must be writable" # create directories for object storage for each in "$_DATA"/{vcard,ical,cache,temp}; do [ ! -e "$each" ] && mkdir "$each" [ -w "$each" ] && [ -d "$each" ] || die "storage $each must be a writable directory" done # create htaccess file [ -f .htaccess ] || cat >.htaccess <