]> git.plutz.net Git - shellwiki/shortlog
2024-02-01 Paul Hänschcalender style
2024-02-01 Paul Hänschset time format for `date`
2024-01-25 Paul Hänschstyling for calendar month view
2024-01-25 Paul Hänschreduce event entries to invisible anchor
2024-01-25 Paul Hänschmonth calendar view, more modular architecture
2024-01-25 Paul Hänschavoid localising time records
2024-01-20 Paul Hänschbasic calendar list view
2024-01-18 Paul Hänschinclude title in event storage format, improved year...
2024-01-16 Paul Hänschslightly improved recurrence calculation, put date...
2023-11-20 Paul Hänschallow autocomplete in login form
2023-11-20 Paul HänschMerge commit 'd94a2f7b837224b5406f44c407bed885da1c6da8'
2023-11-20 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from 0f62500..bfef1a0
2023-11-17 Paul Hänschevent macro stubs
2023-11-14 Paul Hänschallow negative tag selection
2023-11-02 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from 9e5394e..0f62500
2023-11-02 Paul HänschMerge commit '235aa7c0c6f32addfa09f30c13411bc3432a7ccc'
2023-10-11 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from a004238..9e5394e
2023-10-11 Paul HänschMerge commit '2e4c276d4c642e43be3d4bb9d7314f87c21746a6'
2023-10-11 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from fb015c8..a004238
2023-10-11 Paul HänschMerge commit '8ed4549c0ae1f6b38ee56e61e71e1eae5967fd0f'
2023-10-11 Paul Hänschmake search fields type=search
2023-10-11 Paul Hänschlist locations in move form
2023-10-09 Paul Hänschworkaround for hosters without /bin/awk
2023-10-09 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from 1e12e80..fb015c8
2023-10-09 Paul HänschMerge commit '640be5e3114c0b048be094fa0746dee8aae99638'
2023-10-09 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from 41642aa..1e12e80
2023-10-09 Paul HänschMerge commit '8d70db1b103253dc37ba234b8c65b57a6cced077'
2023-10-09 Paul Hänschprevent left/right floating inside floated containers
2023-10-09 Paul Hänschcase insensitive attachment suffixes
2023-10-08 Paul HänschSyntax help fro white space file names
2023-10-08 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from 880ed14..41642aa
2023-10-08 Paul HänschMerge commit '24ecc97dd3f20e7b2651e2b32d37732710684093'
2023-10-05 Paul Hänschexample content typo
2023-09-27 Paul Hänschbugfix: read --loaction parameter
2023-09-25 Paul Hänschreindex after tree movement, bugfix in search filtering...
2023-09-23 Paul Hänschadd license headers
2023-09-23 Paul Hänschcss: minor improvements
2023-09-23 Paul Hänschtypo for verbose logging
2023-09-23 Paul Hänschtype for verbose logging
2023-09-23 Paul Hänschserchindex script for pruning and indexing
2023-09-23 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from 211f2ee..880ed14
2023-09-23 Paul HänschMerge commit '93889092574b7deb38da16f67bd5e3d744a94b86'
2023-09-23 Paul Hänschupdated default pages, improved 404, default search...
2023-09-23 Paul Hänschminor improvements: table, color, etc.
2023-09-23 Paul Hänschoptional title and alt label in pagelist
2023-09-23 Paul Hänschstyling for .half .left .right .center classes and...
2023-09-22 Paul Hänschsearch class for search form
2023-09-22 Paul Hänschsearch indeex maintenance script
2023-09-22 Paul Hänschmuch faster indexer (but will require maintenance via...
2023-09-22 Paul Hänschbugfix: backslash escaping
2023-09-22 Paul Hänschsearch form in wikiform macro
2023-09-22 Paul Hänschthemeable search page
2023-09-22 Paul Hänschfilter foreign languages and system pages from search...
2023-09-22 Paul Hänschhtml syntax typo
2023-09-22 Paul Hänschsearch form on result page
2023-09-22 Paul Hänschcase insensitive search
2023-09-22 Paul Hänschseparate word index by unicode punctuation
2023-09-22 Paul Hänscheliminate race condition in index time stamping
2023-09-22 Paul Hänschtreat %XX URL sequences as field stop in indexing,...
2023-09-22 Paul Hänschsearch handler
2023-09-21 Paul Hänschbugfix: set error message on log failure
2023-09-21 Paul Hänschintroducing text indexer
2023-09-21 Paul Hänschuse global _DATE variable
2023-09-21 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from b846014..211f2ee
2023-09-21 Paul HänschMerge commit 'a6eef8bdf16f3b30e636083070530af1561b27ee'
2023-09-20 Paul Hänschpage delete dialog
2023-09-20 Paul Hänschstyling for tags
2023-09-20 Paul Hänschstyling for tags
2023-09-20 Paul Hänsch`changes` macro: allow multiple location arguments
2023-09-20 Paul Hänschupdated copyright notice
2023-09-20 Paul Hänschnew theme: simplemde - containing a javascript editor
2023-09-20 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from 8928c6e..b846014
2023-09-20 Paul HänschMerge commit '4462399434b8a11f02c5a843d46bade660796fc5'
2023-09-20 Paul Hänschallow move / rename /delete of overrides to immutable...
2023-09-20 Paul Hänschrecursive delete function
2023-09-19 Paul Hänschallow tag filtering in `pagelist` and `include`, allow...
2023-09-19 Paul Hänschavoid some error log spamming
2023-09-19 Paul Hänschintroduce tags and tag filtering
2023-09-19 Paul HänschBugfix: faulty error messages in move/rename/delete
2023-09-19 Paul Hänschintroduce --hl option to include macro
2023-09-11 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from 4c361b1..8928c6e
2023-09-11 Paul HänschMerge commit 'a68722ad0e8de9bcac0bcb4af12025f3b903745c'
2023-09-11 Paul Hänschremodeling macro engine: do not depend on cgilite/markd...
2023-09-11 Paul Hänschremodeling macro engine: do not depend on cgilite/markd...
2023-09-04 Paul Hänschbugfix: link path in revision list
2023-09-03 Paul Hänschescape gallery URLs
2023-09-03 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from 4ee910d5..4c361b19
2023-09-03 Paul HänschMerge commit '03403861ba29e3f7876d97171d317ee59c54fb64'
2023-09-01 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from 8e5ffff1..4ee910d5
2023-09-01 Paul HänschMerge commit '131ebbe3155cdd45d2f7473302157f5ba4594759'
2023-09-01 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from 3055b170..8e5ffff1
2023-09-01 Paul HänschMerge commit '46d3bc6faf88a3c5888b4c5617e0f462f605456e'
2023-09-01 Paul HänschLICENSE NOTICE: ISC License
2023-08-31 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from d4da2a56..3055b170
2023-08-31 Paul HänschMerge commit '06ff8fb4d3bf490b71257cf9e5eefa7017c16bed'
2023-08-30 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from fc3451c3..d4da2a56
2023-08-30 Paul HänschMerge commit '87ea61e1ce1c7b16a600156856622f57f2f88df8'
2023-08-30 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from ca22f379..fc3451c3
2023-08-30 Paul HänschMerge commit 'd03c336720e5cc6d24cce791e161b16371b9bd4d'
2023-08-29 Paul HänschSquashed 'cgilite/' changes from 1f4a5e20..ca22f379