+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2014 - 2016 Paul Hänsch
-# This file is part of Confetti.
-# Confetti is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Confetti is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-# along with Confetti. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-. ${_EXEC}/templates/text_cards.sh
-echo -E '
- \textbf{'"$(l10n N)"'} &
- \textbf{'"$(l10n BDAY)"'} &
- \textbf{'"$(l10n TEL)"'} &
- \textbf{'"$(l10n NOTE)"'} \\
-list_attendance "$course" |sort -k 2 |while read line; do
- cardfile="$(echo "$line" |cut -d\ -f1)"
- list_attendee "$cardfile" |sed -r 's:$:\\\\[3ex] \\hline:'
- '"$(get_dates)"' \\
-tex_clean "$(list_attendance "$course")" |sort -k 2 | debug |sed -r 's:^[0-9a-z\.]+ (.+) \(\*[0-9]{4}\)$:\1:;s:$: \& \& \& \& \& \& \& \& \& \& \\\\[3ex] \\hline:'
--- /dev/null
+. "${_EXEC}/pdiread.sh"
+. "$_EXEC/cards/l10n.sh"
+coursefile="${_DATA}/ical/$(GET course)"
+if [ ! -r "$coursefile" ]; then
+ SET_COOKIE 0 message="Cannot read course file"
+ REDIRECT /courses/
+ return 0
+elif ! mkdir -p "$_DATA/export"; then
+ SET_COOKIE 0 message="Cannot create export directory"
+ REDIRECT /courses/
+ return 0
+ics="$(pdi_load "$coursefile")"
+htmlfile="${_DATA}/export/$(pdi_value "$ics" SUMMARY |URL |tr / _).html"
+pdi_date() {
+ local pdt y m d H M S Z
+ [ $# -eq 0 ] && read pdt || pdt="$*"
+ case $pdt in
+ *T*Z)
+ Z=UTC; pdt="${pdt%Z}";;
+ TZID=*:*T*)
+ Z="${pdt%%:*}"; Z=${Z#TZID=}; pdt=${pdt#TZID=*:};;
+ esac
+ y="${pdt%%????T*}" pdt=${pdt#????}
+ m="${pdt%%??T*}" pdt=${pdt#??}
+ d="${pdt%%T*}" pdt=${pdt#??T}
+ H="${pdt%%????}" pdt=${pdt#??}
+ M="${pdt%%??}" pdt=${pdt#??}
+ S="${pdt}" pdt=''
+ case Z in
+ UTC) date -d "${y}-${m}-${d} ${H}:${M}:${S} UTC" +%s;;
+ '') date -d "${y}-${m}-${d} ${H}:${M}:${S}" +%s;;
+ *) date -d "TZ=\"${Z}\" ${y}-${m}-${d} ${H}:${M}:${S}" +%s;;
+ esac
+get_dates() {
+ local dts_date rrule rr_int rr_freq rec today="$(date +%Y%m%d)"
+ dts_date="$(pdi_value "$ics" DTSTART || printf %s "$today")"
+ dts_date="${dts_date#TZID=*:}" dts_date="${dts_date%%T*}"
+ rrule="$(pdi_value "$ics" RRULE)"
+ rr_int="${rrule##*INTERVAL=}" rr_int="${rr_int%%;*}"
+ rr_freq="${rrule##*FREQ=}" rr_freq="${rr_freq%%;*}"
+ [ "$rr_int" -ge 0 ] || rr_int=1 2>/dev/null
+ case "$rr_freq" in
+ YEARLY) rec="$rr_int year";;
+ MONTHLY) rec="$rr_int month";;
+ DAILY) rec="$rr_int day";;
+ WEEKLY) rec="$rr_int week";;
+ *) rec="$rr_int week";;
+ esac
+ while [ "$dts_date" -lt "$today" ]; do dts_date="$(date -d "${dts_date} + ${rec}" +%Y%m%d)"; done
+ for n in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do
+ LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 date -d "$dts_date" +"%A, %d. %b."
+ dts_date="$(date -d "${dts_date} + ${rec}" +%Y%m%d)"
+ done
+"$_EXEC/cgilite/html-sh.sed" <<-EOF |sed -E 's;<(td|th)([^>]*)>;<\1 \2 style="border: 1pt solid\; padding: 1mm 2mm\;">;g' >"$htmlfile"
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+[html [head
+ [meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"]
+ [title]
+ [meta name="generator" content="Confetti"]
+ [meta name="created" content="$(date +%FT%T)"]
+ [meta name="changed" content="$(date +%FT%T)"]
+ [style type="text/css"
+ @page { size: 29.7cm 21cm; margin: 1.5cm; }
+ * { background: inherit; }
+ body { background: transparent; font-family: Liberation Sans, Sans-Serif; }
+ th { white-space: pre; }
+ th, td { text-align: left; }
+ ]
+][body lang="de_DE"
+ [table width="100%"
+ [col width=10*] [col width=5*] [col width=10*] [col width=15*]
+ [thead
+ [tr [th . $(l10n N)] [th . $(l10n BDAY)] [th . $(l10n TEL)] [th . $(l10n NOTE)]]
+ ][tbody
+ $(grep -F "${coursefile##*/} " "$_DATA/mappings/attendance" |while read discard each; do
+ vcf="$(pdi_load "$_DATA/vcard/$each")"
+ tel="$( seq 1 $(pdi_count "$vcf" TEL) |while read n; do
+ type="$(pdi_attrib "$vcf" TEL $n TYPE)"
+ [ "$type" ] && type="$(l10n "TYPE=$type"):"
+ printf '%s %s<br>' "$type" "$(pdi_value "$vcf" TEL $n)"
+ done )"
+ printf '[tr [td .N . %s] [td .BDAY . %s] [td .TEL . %s] [td .NOTE . %s]]\n' \
+ "$(pdi_value "$vcf" FN |unescape |HTML)" \
+ "$(pdi_value "$vcf" BDAY |unescape |HTML)" \
+ "$tel" \
+ "$(pdi_value "$vcf" NOTE |unescape |HTML)"
+ done |sort -k4)]
+ ]
+ [table width="100%" style="page-break-before: always;"
+ [col width=30*] [col width=10*] [col width=10*] [col width=10*] [col width=10*] [col width=10*] [col width=10*] [col width=10*] [col width=10*] [col width=10*] [col width=10*]
+ [thead
+ [tr [th ] $(get_dates |xargs -d\\n printf '[th . %s]')]
+ ][tbody
+ $(grep -F "${coursefile##*/} " "$_DATA/mappings/attendance" |while read discard each; do
+ vcf="$(pdi_load "$_DATA/vcard/$each")"
+ printf '[tr [td .N . %s] [td] [td] [td] [td] [td] [td] [td] [td] [td] [td]]\n' \
+ "$(pdi_value "$vcf" FN |unescape |HTML)"
+ done |sort -k4)]
+ ]
+lowriter --convert-to pdf --outdir "$_DATA/export/" "$htmlfile"
+REDIRECT "/export/${pdffile##*/}"
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2014, 2016, 2017 Paul Hänsch
-# This file is part of Confetti.
-# Confetti is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Confetti is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-# along with Confetti. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-pdflatex="$(where pdflatex |head -n1 || echo false)"
-fromdate="$(date -d "$fromdate" +%s)" 2>/dev/null
-[ -z "$fromdate" ] && fromdate=$(date +%s)
-. ${_EXEC}/pages/courses.sh
-. ${_EXEC}/pages/cards.sh
-tex_clean() { #in dire need for improvement
- printf %s "$*" |tr -d '{&}\\"'
-list_attendee() { #Parameter: Cardfile
- id="$1"
- cardfile="$_DATA/vcard/${id}"
- declare -A values
- if [ -r "$cardfile" ]; then
- vcf_parse "$cardfile"
- n=$(printf %s "$values[N]" \
- | sed -rn 's:^([^;]*)(;[^;]*)(;[^;]*)?(;[^;]*)?(;[^;]*)?$:\4 \2 \3 \1 \5:gp' \
- | sed -r 's:,: :;s:;: :g;s: +: :g;s:^ $::;'
- )
- fullname="${n:-${values[FN]:-${values[NICKNAME]}}}"
- tel=''
- for n in TEL TEL{0..10}; do if (echo "$values[$n]" |grep -Eq '[0-9]'); then
- [ -n "$tel" ] && tel="$tel\\newline $(tex_clean "$values[$n]")" || tel="$(tex_clean "$values[$n]")"
- fi; done
- note=''
- for n in NOTE NOTE{0..10}; do if [ -n "$values[$n]" ]; then
- [ -n "$note" ] && note="$note\\newline $(tex_clean "$values[$n]")" || note="$(tex_clean "$values[$n]")"
- fi; done
- printf '%s & %s & %s & %s\n' \
- "$(tex_clean $fullname)" "$(tex_clean $values[BDAY])" "$tel" "$note" \
- | sed -r ':X;N;$!bX; s;\n;\\newline ;g'
- fi
-get_dates() { #Parameter: Calendarfile
- calendarfile="$_DATA/ical/$course"
- declare -A values
- ics_parse "$calendarfile"
- dtstart="$values[DTSTART]"
- [ -z "$dtstart" ] && dtstart=$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S)
- echo "$dtstart" |case "$dtstart" in
- *Z) sed -rn 's:^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})Z$:\1-\2-\3 \4\:\5\:\6 UTC:p';;
- TZID*) sed -rn 's:^TZID=(.+)\:([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$:TZ="\1" \2-\3-\4 \5\:\6\:\7:p';;
- *) sed -rn 's:^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$:\1-\2-\3 \4\:\5\:\6:p';;
- esac |read dts_date
- rrule="$values[RRULE]"
- rr_int="$(echo $rrule |sed -rn 's:^.*INTERVAL=([0-9]+)(;.*)?$:\1:p')"
- rr_freq="$(echo $rrule |sed -rn 's:^.*FREQ=(YEARLY|MONTHLY|WEEKLY|DAILY)(;.*)?$:\1:p')"
- case "$rr_freq" in
- YEARLY) rec="$rr_int year";;
- MONTHLY) rec="$rr_int month";;
- DAILY) rec="$rr_int day";;
- *) rec="$rr_int week";;
- esac
- next_date="$dts_date"
- n=10
- while [ $n -gt 0 ]; do
- if [ "$(date -d "$next_date" +%s)" -gt "$(date +%s)" ]; then
- dtlist="$dtlist & $(date -d "$next_date" +"%d. %b.")"
- n=$(($n - 1))
- fi
- next_date="$(date -d "$next_date + $rec" +%Y-%m-%d)"
- done
- echo "$dtlist"
-if [ -r "${_DATA}/ical/${course}" ]; then
- . ${_EXEC}/templates/course_print.sh >"${_DATA}/temp/courselist_${course}.tex"
- [ -e "${_DATA}/temp/courselist_${course}.pdf" ] && rm "${_DATA}/temp/courselist_${course}.pdf"
- "$pdflatex" -halt-on-error -output-directory "${_DATA}/temp/" "${_DATA}/temp/courselist_${course}.tex" |debug >/dev/null
- "$pdflatex" -halt-on-error -output-directory "${_DATA}/temp/" "${_DATA}/temp/courselist_${course}.tex" |debug >/dev/null
-if [ -r "${_DATA}/temp/courselist_${course}.pdf" ]; then
- echo 'Content-Type: application/x-pdf\n'
- cat "${_DATA}/temp/courselist_${course}.pdf"
-if [ "${_PATH}" = / ]; then
- REDIRECT /cards/
-elif [ -d "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}" -a -x "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}/index.cgi" ]; then
- . "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}/index.cgi"
-elif [ ! -d "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}" -a -x "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}" ]; then
- . "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}"
-elif [ ! -x "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}" -a -r "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}" ]; then
- . "$_EXEC/cgilite/file.sh"
- FILE "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}"
-elif [ -d "${_EXEC}/${topdir}" -a -x "${_EXEC}/${topdir}/index.cgi" ]; then
- . "${_EXEC}/${topdir}/index.cgi"
- printf 'Status: 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n'
+case ${_PATH} in
+ /) REDIRECT /cards/
+ ;;
+ /export/*.pdf) . "$_EXEC/cgilite/file.sh"
+ FILE "${_DATA}/${_PATH}" "application/pdf"
+ ;;
+ /export/*) . "$_EXEC/cgilite/file.sh"
+ FILE "${_DATA}/${_PATH}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if [ -d "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}" -a -x "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}/index.cgi" ]; then
+ . "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}/index.cgi"
+ elif [ -f "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}" -a -x "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}" ]; then
+ . "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}"
+ elif [ -f "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}" -a -r "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}" ]; then
+ . "$_EXEC/cgilite/file.sh"
+ FILE "${_EXEC}/${_PATH}"
+ elif [ -d "${_EXEC}/${topdir}" -a -x "${_EXEC}/${topdir}/index.cgi" ]; then
+ . "${_EXEC}/${topdir}/index.cgi"
+ else
+ printf '%s\r\n' 'Status: 404 Not Found' 'Content-Length: 0' ''
+ fi
+ ;;