+. "${_EXEC}/comments.sh"
id="$(checkid "${PATH_INFO#/}")"
pagename="$(pagename "$id")"
yield_page "$pagename" poll <<-EOF
- [form method=POST
+ [main
[section .description
[h1 .title $(HTML "$pagename")]
$(DBM "$file" get description |markdown)
- $(table_poll || printf '[p Poll parameters are invalid]')
- $(if [ "$admin" ]; then
- printf '[section .bookmark You have bookmarked the admin page of this poll: [a href="./%s" modify poll]]' "$(URL ${id}/${admin})"
- elif [ "$bookmarks" ]; then
- printf '[section .bookmark This poll has been bookmarked and is accessible via a link on the front page.]'
- else
- printf '[section .bookmark Polls are accessible only via their URL. You can set a Cookie to bookmark all polls you visit. Bookmarked polls will be listed on the frontpage.<br/> [submit "bookmark" "add" Set Cookie]]'
- fi)
+ [form method=POST
+ $(table_poll || printf '[p Poll parameters are invalid]')
+ $(if [ "$admin" ]; then
+ printf '[section .bookmark You have bookmarked the admin page of this poll: [a href="./%s" modify poll]]' "$(URL ${id}/${admin})"
+ elif [ "$bookmarks" ]; then
+ printf '[section .bookmark This poll has been bookmarked and is accessible via a link on the front page.]'
+ else
+ printf '[section .bookmark Polls are accessible only via their URL. You can set a Cookie to bookmark all polls you visit. Bookmarked polls will be listed on the frontpage.<br/> [submit "bookmark" "add" Set Cookie]]'
+ fi)
+ ]
+ $(w_comments)