- if [ ${#1} -gt ${#2} ]; then
- long="$1" short="$2"
- else
- long="$2" short="$1"
- fi
+ a="${1%$CR}" b="${2%$CR}"
+# if [ ${#a} -gt ${#b} ]; then
+# long="$a" short="$b"
+# else
+# long="$b" short="$a"
+# fi
# com="$(expr substr "$long" 1 $((${#long} * 3 / 4)))"
- com="$(expr substr "$long" 1 $((${#long} - 3)))"
- cut="${short#$com}"
- if [ ${#cut} -lt ${#short} ]; then
+ # com="$(expr substr "$long" 1 $((${#long} - 3)))"
+ ## Cut off youtube- and other site suffixes. Cut of last three characters
+ com="$(printf %s "$a" |sed -E 's;-([0-9a-zA-Z_-]{11}|ph[0-9a-f]{13}|[0-9]{8})$;;; s;...$;;;')"
+ cut="${b#$com}"
+ if [ "${cut}" != "${b}" ]; then
return 0
return 1