--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2016, 2020 Paul Hänsch
+# This file is part of Lobster.
+# Lobster is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Lobster is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with Lobster. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+if [ "$_PATH" = "/therapies/therapy.css" ]; then
+ . $_EXEC/cgilite/file.sh
+ FILE $_EXEC/therapies/therapy.css
+ return 0
+. $_EXEC/pdiread.sh
+. $_EXEC/therapies/l10n.sh
+# . $_EXEC/cards/widgets.sh
+# . $_EXEC/cards/list.sh
+# unescape() { [ $# = 0 ] && sed -E 's;\\(.);\1;g' || printf %s "$*" |sed -E 's;\\(.);\1;g'; }
+# upcase=' y;abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzäöüé;ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÄÖÜÉ;; '
+read junkx junky bg_dim junkz <<-E_READ
+ $(identify "$_EXEC/therapies/therapy_background.png")
+vcf="$(pdi_load "$vcffile")"
+mpx="$(pdi_load "$mpxfile")"
+tpy="$(pdi_load "$tpyfile")"
+. $_EXEC/therapies/page.sh |yield_page therapy /therapies/therapy.css
-# Copyright 2016 Paul Hänsch
+# Copyright 2016, 2020 Paul Hänsch
# This file is part of Confetti.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with Confetti. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-. $_EXEC/templates/text_prescriptions.sh
-item_name[prescriptionlist]="Zur Verordnungsliste"
-item_name[delete_session]="Therapiesitzung entfernen"
-item_name[weekly]="p. Woche"
-item_name[trailsave]="Speichern für weitere Felder"
+#. $_EXEC/templates/text_prescriptions.sh
+ local word
+ [ $# -eq 0 ] && read -r word || word="$1"
+ case $word in
+ prescriptionlist) printf "Zur Verordnungsliste";;
+ delete_session) printf "Therapiesitzung entfernen";;
+ therapist) printf "Therapeut";;
+ number) printf "Nr.";;
+ signature) printf "Un­ter­schrift";;
+ weekly) printf "p. Woche";;
+ notes) printf "Notizen";;
+ trailsave) printf "Speichern für weitere Felder";;
+ # *) . $_EXEC/templates/text_prescriptions.sh
+ # l10n "$word"
+ # ;;
+ esac
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2016, 2017, 2020 Paul Hänsch
+# This file is part of Lobster.
+# Confetti is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Lobster is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with Lobster. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# t_session_note(){
+# session_n="$1"
+# note_n="$2"
+# color=session${session_n}_note${note_n}_color
+# unset c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7
+# if [ "$note_n" -eq 1 -o -n "${tpy[session${session_n}_note${note_n}]}" ]; then
+# printf '<input class="trailbtn" type="checkbox" checked="checked">'
+# else
+# printf '<input class="trailbtn" type="checkbox">'
+# fi
+# _checked="$(validate "$tpy[$color]" '#(888|00A|0A0|0AA|A00|A0A|AA0)' '#FFF')"
+# cat <<-EOF
+# <fieldset class="note trailbox">
+# <input class=color type=radio name="$color" value="#888" id=${color}_000 $(checked \#888)><label for=${color}_000></label>
+# <input class=color type=radio name="$color" value="#00A" id=${color}_001 $(checked \#00A)><label for=${color}_001></label>
+# <input class=color type=radio name="$color" value="#0A0" id=${color}_010 $(checked \#0A0)><label for=${color}_010></label>
+# <input class=color type=radio name="$color" value="#0AA" id=${color}_011 $(checked \#0AA)><label for=${color}_011></label>
+# <input class=color type=radio name="$color" value="#A00" id=${color}_100 $(checked \#A00)><label for=${color}_100></label>
+# <input class=color type=radio name="$color" value="#A0A" id=${color}_101 $(checked \#A0A)><label for=${color}_101></label>
+# <input class=color type=radio name="$color" value="#AA0" id=${color}_110 $(checked \#AA0)><label for=${color}_110></label>
+# <input class=color type=radio name="$color" value="#FFF" id=${color}_111 $(checked \#FFF)><label for=${color}_111></label>
+# <textarea name="session${session_n}_note${note_n}">${tpy[session${session_n}_note${note_n}]}</textarea>
+# </fieldset>
+# EOF
+# }
+# t_session(){
+# session_n="$1"
+# sid=session${session_n}
+# if [ "$tpy[${sid}_sigset]" = pos ]; then
+# sigcheck=checked
+# else
+# unset sigcheck
+# fi
+# cat <<-EOF
+# <input type=hidden name=$sid value=exists>
+# <input class="tab" type="checkbox" id=${sid}_open name="${sid}_open" value="checked" ${tpy[${sid}_open]}>
+# <label class="tab" for="${sid}_open">
+# <span class=no>${session_n}.</span><!--
+# --><span class=date>${tpy[${sid}_date]}</span><!--
+# --><input class="date" name="${sid}_date" value="${tpy[${sid}_date]}" placeholder="$(l10n date)"><!--
+# --><span class=therapist>${tpy[${sid}_therapist]}</span><!--
+# --><input class="therapist" name="${sid}_therapist" value="${tpy[${sid}_therapist]}" placeholder="$(l10n therapist)"><!--
+# --><span class=signature><input type="checkbox" name="${sid}_sigset" value="pos" $sigcheck></span>
+# </label>
+# <div class=tab>
+# <img class="dotmark ov" src="/therapies/${id%.tpy}_${sid}.png" alt="">
+# $(n=1;
+# while [ -n "${tpy[session${session_n}_note${n}]+x}" ]; do
+# if [ -n "${tpy[session${session_n}_note${n}]}" ]; then
+# x=$n
+# fi
+# n=$(($n + 1))
+# done
+# for n in $(seq 1 $((${x:-0} + 3)) ); do t_session_note $session_n $n; done
+# )
+# <button class="trailbtn" type="submit">$(l10n trailsave)</button>
+# <button class=delete type=submit name=delete_session value=${session_n}>$(l10n delete_session)</button>
+# </div>
+# EOF
+# }
+# therapy_sessions(){
+# n=1; while [ -n "${tpy[session${n}]}" ]; do
+# t_session $n
+# n=$(($n+1))
+# done
+# sid=session$n
+# cat <<-EOF
+# <fieldset class="tab">
+# <button class=no type=submit name=new_session value=$sid>+</button><!--
+# --><input class=date name=${sid}_date value="" placeholder="$(l10n date)" /><!--
+# --><input class=therapist name=${sid}_therapist value="" placeholder="$(l10n therapist)" /><!--
+# --><span class=signature><span></span>
+# <input type=hidden name="${sid}_note1" value="">
+# </fieldset>
+# EOF
+# }
+cat <<EOF
+[h1 $(l10n therapy)]
+[div .patient
+ [h2 . $(pdi_value "$vcf" FN)]
+ [a href="/cards/#${id%.*}.vcf" \< $(l10n client)]
+[div .prescription
+ [h2 $(l10n therapy_prescription)]
+ [span .insurance . $(pdi_value "$mpx" INSURANCE)]
+ [span .date [label $(l10n date):] $(pdi_value "$mpx" DATE)]
+ if [ "$(pdi_value "$mpx" PRESCREVIEWED)" ]; then
+ printf '[label .checkbox .checked for=prescreviewed . %s]' "$(l10n prescreviewed)"
+ else
+ printf '[label .checkbox for=prescreviewed . %s]' "$(l10n prescreview)"
+ fi
+ field="$(pdi_value "$mpx" PRESCNO)"
+ [ "$field" ] && printf '[span .prescno . %s]' "$(l10n "presc$field")"
+ for field in grouptherapy housecall report; do
+ [ "$(pdi_value "$mpx" "$field")" ] && printf '[span .catalogue . %s]' "$(l10n "$field")"
+ done
+ printf '[ul'
+ for n in '' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do
+ remidy="$(pdi_value "$mpx" REMIDY$n)"
+ quantity="$(pdi_value "$mpx" QUANTITY$n)"
+ quantity_weekly="$(pdi_value "$mpx" QUANTITY_WEEKLY$n)"
+ if [ "$remidy" -a "$quantity_weekly" ]; then
+ printf '[li %s %s %s]' "$quantity" "$remidy" "$quantity_weekly $(l10n weekly)"
+ elif [ "$remidy" ]; then
+ printf '[li %s %s]' "$quantity" "$remidy"
+ fi
+ done
+ printf ']'
+ for field in indicator icd10; do
+ val="$(pdi_value "$mpx" "$field")"
+ [ "$val" ] && printf '[span .%s [label . %s:]%s]' "$field" "$(l10n "$field")" "$val"
+ done
+ addcontrib="$(pdi_value "$mpx" ADDCONTRIB)"
+ contribconfirm="$(pdi_value "$mpx" CONTRIBCONFIRM)"
+ if [ "$addcontrib" -a "$contribconfirm" ]; then
+ printf '[label .checkbox .checked for=addcontrib . %s %s]' "$(l10n contribconfirm)" "$contribconfirm"
+ elif [ "$addcontrib" ]; then
+ printf '[label .checkbox for=addcontrib . %s]' "$(l10n addcontrib)"
+ fi
+cat <<EOF
+ [input .tab type="checkbox" #indicator_reading][label .tab for=indicator_reading $(l10n indicator_reading)]
+ [div .tab . $(pdi_value "$mpx" INDICATOR_READING)]
+[form #report method=POST action="/therapies/update_therapy.sh"
+ [input type=hidden name=id value="$id"]
+ [input .stickynote type=checkbox name=c_stickynote #show_stickynote]
+ [fieldset .stickynote
+ [label for="show_stickynote" $(l10n notes)]
+ [h2 $(l10n notes)]
+ [textarea name=stickynote . $(pdi_value "$tpy" STICKYNOTE)]
+ [button type=submit $(l10n save)]
+ ]
+ [input .stickynote type=checkbox name=c_timesheet #show_timesheet]
+ [fieldset .stickynote
+ [label for="show_timesheet" $(l10n timesheet)]
+ [h2 $(l10n timesheet)]
+ [table [thead [tr
+ [th $(l10n time_goal)][th $(l10n time_actual)][th $(l10n time_difference)]
+ ]][tbody
+ $(for n in '' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do
+ tsgoal="$(pdi_value "$tpy" TSGOAL$n)"
+ tsactual="$(pdi_value "$tpy" TSACTUAL$n)"
+ printf '[tr [td [input type=number name=tsgoal value="%s"]][td [input type=number name=tsactual value="%s"]][td %s]]' \
+ "$tsgoal" "$tsactual" "$(( ${tsgoal:-0} - ${tsactual:-0} ))"
+ done)
+ ]]
+ [button type=submit $(l10n save)]
+ ]
+ [label .tab .heading
+ [span .no $(l10n number)][span .date $(l10n date)][span .therapist $(l10n therapist)][span .signature $(l10n signature)]
+ ]
+# therapy_sessions
+penwith="$(pdi_value "$tpy" PENWITH |grep -xE -m1 '(4|12|36)' || printf '4')"
+color="$(pdi_value "$tpy" COLOR |grep -xE -m1 '#(000|00A|0A0|0AA|A00|A0A|AA0|FFF)' || printf '#000')"
+cat <<EOF
+ [fieldset .penwidth
+ [radio "penwidth" "4" #pw1 $(checked $penwidth 4) ][label for="pw2"]
+ [radio "penwidth" "12" #pw2 $(checked $penwidth 12)][label for="pw3"]
+ [radio "penwidth" "36" #pw3 $(checked $penwidth 36)][label for="pw1"]
+ ]
+ [fieldset .color
+ [radio "color" "#000" .color #c000 $(checked $color '#000') ][label for=c000 ]
+ [radio "color" "#00A" .color #c001 $(checked $color '#00A') ][label for=c001 ]
+ [radio "color" "#0A0" .color #c010 $(checked $color '#0A0') ][label for=c010 ]
+ [radio "color" "#0AA" .color #c011 $(checked $color '#0AA') ][label for=c011 ]
+ [radio "color" "#A00" .color #c100 $(checked $color '#A00') ][label for=c100 ]
+ [radio "color" "#A0A" .color #c101 $(checked $color '#A0A') ][label for=c101 ]
+ [radio "color" "#AA0" .color #c110 $(checked $color '#AA0') ][label for=c110 ]
+ [radio "color" "#FFF" .color #c111 $(checked $color '#FFF') ][label for=c111 ]
+ ]
+ [img .dotmark .bg src="/therapies/therapy_background.png" alt="WARNING: Missing background image!"]
+ [canvas #canvas .dotmark .ov width="${bg_dim%x*}" height="${bg_dim#*x}" ]
+ [input type=hidden #image_serialize name=imagedata value=""]
+ [button type=submit $(l10n save)]
+[span #jsdebug style="display: none; position: fixed; right:0; bottom:0" Debug]
+[script type="text/javascript" src="/therapies/therapy_draw.js"]
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2016, 2017 Paul Hänsch
-# This file is part of Confetti.
-# Confetti is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Confetti is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-# along with Confetti. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- session_n="$1"
- note_n="$2"
- color=session${session_n}_note${note_n}_color
- unset c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7
- if [ "$note_n" -eq 1 -o -n "${tpy[session${session_n}_note${note_n}]}" ]; then
- printf '<input class="trailbtn" type="checkbox" checked="checked">'
- else
- printf '<input class="trailbtn" type="checkbox">'
- fi
- _checked="$(validate "$tpy[$color]" '#(888|00A|0A0|0AA|A00|A0A|AA0)' '#FFF')"
- cat <<-EOF
- <fieldset class="note trailbox">
- <input class=color type=radio name="$color" value="#888" id=${color}_000 $(checked \#888)><label for=${color}_000></label>
- <input class=color type=radio name="$color" value="#00A" id=${color}_001 $(checked \#00A)><label for=${color}_001></label>
- <input class=color type=radio name="$color" value="#0A0" id=${color}_010 $(checked \#0A0)><label for=${color}_010></label>
- <input class=color type=radio name="$color" value="#0AA" id=${color}_011 $(checked \#0AA)><label for=${color}_011></label>
- <input class=color type=radio name="$color" value="#A00" id=${color}_100 $(checked \#A00)><label for=${color}_100></label>
- <input class=color type=radio name="$color" value="#A0A" id=${color}_101 $(checked \#A0A)><label for=${color}_101></label>
- <input class=color type=radio name="$color" value="#AA0" id=${color}_110 $(checked \#AA0)><label for=${color}_110></label>
- <input class=color type=radio name="$color" value="#FFF" id=${color}_111 $(checked \#FFF)><label for=${color}_111></label>
- <textarea name="session${session_n}_note${note_n}">${tpy[session${session_n}_note${note_n}]}</textarea>
- </fieldset>
- session_n="$1"
- sid=session${session_n}
- if [ "$tpy[${sid}_sigset]" = pos ]; then
- sigcheck=checked
- else
- unset sigcheck
- fi
- cat <<-EOF
- <input type=hidden name=$sid value=exists>
- <input class="tab" type="checkbox" id=${sid}_open name="${sid}_open" value="checked" ${tpy[${sid}_open]}>
- <label class="tab" for="${sid}_open">
- <span class=no>${session_n}.</span><!--
- --><span class=date>${tpy[${sid}_date]}</span><!--
- --><input class="date" name="${sid}_date" value="${tpy[${sid}_date]}" placeholder="$(l10n date)"><!--
- --><span class=therapist>${tpy[${sid}_therapist]}</span><!--
- --><input class="therapist" name="${sid}_therapist" value="${tpy[${sid}_therapist]}" placeholder="$(l10n therapist)"><!--
- --><span class=signature><input type="checkbox" name="${sid}_sigset" value="pos" $sigcheck></span>
- </label>
- <div class=tab>
- <img class="dotmark ov" src="/therapies/${id%.tpy}_${sid}.png" alt="">
- $(n=1;
- while [ -n "${tpy[session${session_n}_note${n}]+x}" ]; do
- if [ -n "${tpy[session${session_n}_note${n}]}" ]; then
- x=$n
- fi
- n=$(($n + 1))
- done
- for n in $(seq 1 $((${x:-0} + 3)) ); do t_session_note $session_n $n; done
- )
- <button class="trailbtn" type="submit">$(l10n trailsave)</button>
- <button class=delete type=submit name=delete_session value=${session_n}>$(l10n delete_session)</button>
- </div>
- n=1; while [ -n "${tpy[session${n}]}" ]; do
- t_session $n
- n=$(($n+1))
- done
- sid=session$n
- cat <<-EOF
- <fieldset class="tab">
- <button class=no type=submit name=new_session value=$sid>+</button><!--
- --><input class=date name=${sid}_date value="" placeholder="$(l10n date)" /><!--
- --><input class=therapist name=${sid}_therapist value="" placeholder="$(l10n therapist)" /><!--
- --><span class=signature><span></span>
- <input type=hidden name="${sid}_note1" value="">
- </fieldset>
-cat <<EOF
-<h1>$(l10n therapy)</h1>
-<div class="patient">
- <h2>$client_name</h2>
- <a href="?p=prescriptions&client=${id%%.*}.vcf">< $(l10n prescriptionlist)</a>
-<div class="prescription">
- <h2>$(l10n therapy_prescription)</h2>
- <span class="insurance">${mpx[insurance]}</span>
- <span class="date"><label>$(l10n date):</label>${mpx[date]}</span>
- <label class="checkbox ${mpx[prescreviewed]:+checked}" for="prescreviewed">
- $([ -n "${mpx[prescreviewed]}" ] && printf %s "$(l10n prescreviewed)" \
- || printf %s "$(l10n prescreview)" )
- </label>
- ${mpx[prescno]:+<span class="prescno">$(l10n presc${mpx[prescno]})</span>}
- ${mpx[grouptherapy]:+<span class="catalogue">$(l10n grouptherapy)</span>}
- ${mpx[housecall]:+<span class="catalogue">$(l10n housecall)</span>}
- ${mpx[report]:+<span class="catalogue">$(l10n report)</span>}
- <ul>$(for n in '' {0..10}; do
- [ -n "${mpx[remidy$n]}" ] && \
- printf '<li>%s %s %s</li>' "${mpx[quantity$n]}" \
- "${mpx[remidy$n]}" \
- "${mpx[quantity_weekly$n]:+($mpx[quantity_weekly$n] $(l10n weekly))}"
- done)</ul>
- ${mpx[indicator]:+<span class="indicator"><label>$(l10n indicator):</label>${mpx[indicator]}</span>}
- ${mpx[icd10]:+<span class="icd10"> <label>$(l10n icd10):</label>${mpx[icd10]}</span>}
- ${mpx[addcontrib]:+
- <label class='checkbox ${mpx[contribconfirm]:+checked}' for="addcontrib">
- $([ -n "${mpx[contribconfirm]}" ] && printf %s "$(l10n contribconfirm)" ${mpx[contribconfirm]} \
- || printf %s "$(l10n addcontrib)" )
- </label>
- }
- <input class="tab" type="checkbox" id="indicator_reading">
- <label class="tab" for="indicator_reading">$(l10n indicator_reading)</label>
- <div class="tab">${mpx[indicator_reading]}</div>
-<form id="report" method="POST" action="?action=update_therapy">
- <input type="hidden" name="id" value="${id}">
- <input class="stickynote" type="checkbox" name="c_stickynote" id="show_stickynote">
- <fieldset class="stickynote">
- <label for="show_stickynote">$(l10n notes)</label>
- <h2>$(l10n notes)</h2>
- <textarea name="stickynote">${tpy[stickynote]}</textarea>
- <button type="submit">$(l10n save)</button>
- </fieldset>
- <input class="stickynote" type="checkbox" name="c_timesheet" id="show_timesheet">
- <fieldset class="stickynote">
- <label for="show_timesheet">$(l10n timesheet)</label>
- <h2>$(l10n timesheet)</h2>
- <table><thead>
- <tr><th>$(l10n time_goal)</th><th>$(l10n time_actual)</th><th>$(l10n time_difference)</th></tr>
- </thead><tbody>
- $(for n in '' {0..10}; do
- printf '<tr><td><input type="number" name="tsgoal" value="%s"/></td>
- <td><input type="number" name="tsactual" value="%s"/></td>
- <td>%s</td>
- </tr>\n' \
- "$mpx[tsgoal${n}]" "$mpx[tsactual${n}]" "$((${mpx[tsgoal${n}]:-0} - ${mpx[tsactual${n}]:-0}))"
- done)
- </tbody></table>
- <button type="submit">$(l10n save)</button>
- </fieldset>
- <!--input class="tab" type="checkbox" id="lookout">
- <label class="tab" for="lookout">$(l10n indicator_reading)</label>
- <div class="tab"><textarea name="lookout">${mpx[lookout]}</textarea -->
- <label class="tab heading">
- <span class=no>$(l10n number)</span><!--
- --><span class=date>$(l10n date)</span><!--
- --><span class=therapist>$(l10n therapist)</span><!--
- --><span class=signature>$(l10n signature)</span>
- </label>
-_checked="$(validate "$tpy[penwidth]" '(4|12|36)' '4')"
-cat <<EOF
- <fieldset class="penwidth">
- <input type="radio" name="penwidth" value="4" id="pw1" $(checked 4)><label for="pw2"></label>
- <input type="radio" name="penwidth" value="12" id="pw2" $(checked 12)><label for="pw3"></label>
- <input type="radio" name="penwidth" value="36" id="pw3" $(checked 36)><label for="pw1"></label>
- </fieldset>
-_checked="$(validate "$tpy[color]" '#(0[0A]{2}|A00|A0A|AA0|FFF)' '#000')"
-cat <<EOF
- <fieldset class="color">
- <input class="color" type="radio" name="color" value="#000" id="c000" $(checked \#000)><label for="c000"></label>
- <input class="color" type="radio" name="color" value="#00A" id="c001" $(checked \#00A)><label for="c001"></label>
- <input class="color" type="radio" name="color" value="#0A0" id="c010" $(checked \#0A0)><label for="c010"></label>
- <input class="color" type="radio" name="color" value="#0AA" id="c011" $(checked \#0AA)><label for="c011"></label>
- <input class="color" type="radio" name="color" value="#A00" id="c100" $(checked \#A00)><label for="c100"></label>
- <input class="color" type="radio" name="color" value="#A0A" id="c101" $(checked \#A0A)><label for="c101"></label>
- <input class="color" type="radio" name="color" value="#AA0" id="c110" $(checked \#AA0)><label for="c110"></label>
- <input class="color" type="radio" name="color" value="#FFF" id="c111" $(checked \#FFF)><label for="c111"></label>
- </fieldset>
- <img class="dotmark bg" src="?static=therapy_background.png" alt="WARNING: Background Image not available!">
- <canvas id="canvas" class="dotmark ov" width="${bg_dim%x*}" height="${bg_dim#*x}"></canvas>
- <input type=hidden id=image_serialize name=imagedata value="">
- <button type="submit">$(l10n save)</button>
-<span id="jsdebug" style="display: none; position: fixed; right:0; bottom:0">Debug</span>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="?static=therapy_draw.js"></script>
-# vi:set filetype=html:
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2016 Paul Hänsch
-# This file is part of Confetti.
-# Confetti is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Confetti is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-# along with Confetti. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-declare -A tpy
-declare -A mpx
-identify "$_EXEC/static/therapy_background.png" \
-| sed -r 's;^.* ([0-9]+x[0-9]+) .*$;\1;' \
-| read bg_dim
-card_N="$(sed -nr 's:^(N)(;[^"\:]+|;"[^"]+")*\:(.*)$:\3:gp' "$client")"
-card_FN="$(sed -nr 's:^(FN)(;[^"\:]+|;"[^"]+")*\:(.*)$:\3:gp' "$client")"
-card_NICK="$(sed -nr 's:^(NICKNAME)(;[^"\:]+|;"[^"]+")*\:(.*)$:\3:gp' "$client")"
-n=$(printf %s "$card_N" \
- | sed -rn 's:^([^;]*)(\;[^;]*)(\;[^;]*)?(\;[^;]*)?(\;[^;]*)?$:\4 \2 \3 \1 \5:gp' \
- | sed -r 's:,: :;s:\;: :g;s: +: :g;s:^ $::;'
- )
-cat "$mpxfile" |while read -r line; do
- val="${line#*:}"
- mpx[${line%%:*}]="$(htmlsafe "${val//\\n/$BR}")"
-cat "$tpyfile" |while read -r line; do
- val="${line#*:}"
- tpy[${line%%:*}]="$(htmlsafe "${val//\\n/$BR}")"