grep -qaF " search=$w_str_s filter=${w_str_f}${CR}" "$bm" && name=Update || name=Add
- printf '[form #bookmarks action=?a=bookmark method=POST
- [a href="#" x]
- [hidden "ref" "%s"]
- [hidden "search" "%s"][hidden "filter" "%s"]
- [label Name for current page:]
- [input name="name" value="%s" placeholder="Name" ]
- [button type="submit" %s]' \
- "$w_refuri" \
- "$(HTML "$SEARCH")" "$(HTML "$FILTER")" \
- "$(w_bmname)" "${name}"
+ cat <<-EOF
+ [form #bookmarks action=?a=bookmark method=POST
+ [a href="#" x]
+ [hidden "ref" "${w_refuri}"]
+ [hidden "search" "$(HTML "$SEARCH")"][hidden "filter" "$(HTML "$FILTER")"]
+ [label Name for current page:]
+ [input name="name" value="$(w_bmname)" placeholder="Name" ]
+ [button type="submit" . ${name}]
[ "$name" ] && printf ' [submit "delete" "delete" Delete]'
sort "$bm" |while read -r name search filter; do
name="$(UNSTRING "$name")";
search="$(UNSTRING "${search}" |URL)";
filter="$(UNSTRING "${filter}" |URL)";
- printf '[label .link %s]
- [a .link target=blank href="/?o=Name&s=%s&f=%s" by Name]
- [a .link target=blank href="/?o=Date&s=%s&f=%s" by Date]
- [a .link target=blank href="/?o=Length&s=%s&f=%s" by Length]
- [a .link target=blank href="/?o=Group&s=%s&f=%s" by Group]
- ' \
- "$(HTML "$name" |sed 's;,\;;&[wbr];g;')" \
- "$search" "$filter" \
- "$search" "$filter" \
- "$search" "$filter" \
- "$search" "$filter"
+ cat <<-EOF
+ [label .link . $(HTML "$name" |sed 's;,\;;&[wbr];g;')]
+ [a .link target=blank href="/?o=Name&s=${search}&f=${filter}" by Name]
+ [a .link target=blank href="/?o=Date&s=${search}&f=${filter}" by Date]
+ [a .link target=blank href="/?o=Length&s=${search}&f=${filter}" by Length]
+ [a .link target=blank href="/?o=Group&s=${search}&f=${filter}" by Group]
printf ']'
- printf '
- [form #search method=GET action=./?
- [select name=o size=1
- [option disabled=disabled Order By]
- [option value=Name %s Name]
- [option value=Date %s Date]
- [option value=Length %s Length]
- [option value=Group %s Group]
- ]
- [input name=s placeholder=Search value="%s"]
- [a #t_avsearch href="#advsearch" Advanced]
- ]
- ' \
- "$w_coname" "$w_codate" "$w_colength" "$w_cogroup" \
- "$(HTML "$SEARCH")"
+ cat <<-EOF
+ [form #search method=GET action=./?
+ [select name=o size=1
+ [option disabled=disabled Order By]
+ [option value=Name ${w_coname} Name]
+ [option value=Date ${w_codate} Date]
+ [option value=Length ${w_colength} Length]
+ [option value=Group ${w_cogroup} Group]
+ ]
+ [input name=s placeholder=Search value="$(HTML "$SEARCH")"]
+ [a #t_avsearch href="#advsearch" Advanced]
+ ]
tf=''; [ "$(COOKIE fakemp4)" = yes ] && tf=checked
td=''; [ "$(COOKIE downscale)" = yes ] && td=checked
- printf '
- [form #prefs method="POST" action="?a=setprefs"
- [a href="#" x]
- [hidden "ref" "%s"]
- [label for=prefs_ps Pagesize]
- [input #prefs_ps type=number name=pagesize value="%s"][br]
- [radio "mode" "browse" %s #prefs_modebrowse] [label for=prefs_modebrowse Browse Folders][br]
- [radio "mode" "index" %s #prefs_modeindex ] [label for=prefs_modeindex View Full Index][br]
- [checkbox "fakemp4" "yes" %s #prefs_fmp4] [label for=prefs_fmp4 Fake .MP4 file type][br]
- [checkbox "downscale" "yes" %s #prefs_downscale] [label for=prefs_downscale Prefer downscale to 480p][br]
- [submit "index" "update" Force Index Update][br]
- [submit "store" "store" Set Cookie]
- ]
- ' \
- "$w_refuri" "$LISTSIZE" \
- "${tm:-checked}" "${tm:+checked}" "$tf" "$td"
+ cat <<-EOF
+ [form #prefs method="POST" action="?a=setprefs"
+ [a href="#" x]
+ [hidden "ref" "${w_refuri}"]
+ [label for=prefs_ps Pagesize]
+ [input #prefs_ps type=number name=pagesize value="${LISTSIZE}"][br]
+ [radio "mode" "browse" ${tm:-checked=checked} #prefs_modebrowse] [label for=prefs_modebrowse Browse Folders][br]
+ [radio "mode" "index" ${tm:+checked=checked} #prefs_modeindex ] [label for=prefs_modeindex View Full Index][br]
+ [checkbox "fakemp4" "yes" ${tf} #prefs_fmp4] [label for=prefs_fmp4 Fake .MP4 file type][br]
+ [checkbox "downscale" "yes" ${td} #prefs_downscale] [label for=prefs_downscale Prefer downscale to 480p][br]
+ [submit "index" "update" Force Index Update][br]
+ [submit "store" "store" Set Cookie]
+ ]
- printf '
- [form #index method="POST" action="?a=spawnindex"
- [hidden "ref" "%s"]
- [label Set up for Index view: ]
- [checkbox "recursive" "yes" #spawn_recursive] [label for=spawn_recursive Include subdirectories]
- [submit "spawn" "spawn" Set up]
- ]
- ' "$w_refuri"
+ cat <<-EOF
+ [form #index method="POST" action="?a=spawnindex"
+ [hidden "ref" "${w_refuri}"]
+ [label Set up for Index view: ]
+ [checkbox "recursive" "yes" #spawn_recursive] [label for=spawn_recursive Include subdirectories]
+ [submit "spawn" "spawn" Set up]
+ ]
return 0
local n lbid tag category filter f t d
filter="$(HTML "${FILTER}^")"
- printf '[form #advsearch action=./?a=advsearch method=POST
- [a href="#" X]
- [p .help Select multiple tags from each category by holding down the [strong Ctrl] key on your keyboard.
- Refine the search further by setting additional search tags using the [strong "+and"] button.]'
+ cat <<-EOF
+ [form #advsearch action=./?a=advsearch method=POST
+ [a href="#" X]
+ [p .help Refine the search further by setting additional search tags using the [strong "+and"] button.]
for n in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do
f="${filter%%^*}"; filter="${filter#*^}"
t=''; [ "$f" -a ! "${f%%~*}" ] && t=" "
- printf '[input .and type=checkbox name=and id="and_%i" %s][label for="and_%i" +and
- ][fieldset .select
- [radio "pol_%i" "pos" .pol %s #pol_pos_%i"][label for=pol_pos_%i Any]
- [radio "pol_%i" "neg" .pol %s #pol_neg_%i"][label for=pol_neg_%i None]
- [label .head Category:]' \
- $n "${f:+checked}" $n \
- $n "${t:-checked}" $n $n \
- $n "${t:+checked}" $n $n
+ cat <<-EOF
+ [input .and type=checkbox name=and id="and_${n}" ${f:+checked=checked}][label for="and_${n}" +and
+ ][fieldset .select
+ [radio "pol_${n}" "pos" .pol ${t:-checked=checked} #pol_pos_${n}"][label for=pol_pos_${n} Any]
+ [radio "pol_${n}" "neg" .pol ${t:+checked=checked} #pol_neg_${n}"][label for=pol_neg_${n} None]
+ [label .head Category:]
printf '*\n%s\n$\n' "$w_tagcategories" \
[ "$category" != '*' -a ! "${f%%|${category}:*}" ] && t=checked
[ "$category" != '*' -a ! "${f%%|-${category}:*}" ] && t=checked
- # printf '[radio "cat_%i" "%s" .cat %s id="%s"][label for="%s" %s]
- # [select name=tag_%s size=10 multiple' \
- # $n "$category" "$t" "$lbid" "$lbid" "$category" $n
printf '[radio "cat_%i" "%s" .cat %s id="%s"][label for="%s" %s]
[div .catselect\n' \
$n "$category" "$t" "$lbid" "$lbid" "$category"
printf '%s\n' "$w_tags" \
| { [ "$category" = '*' ] && grep -avF ':' || grep -awF "${category}"; } \
- | { for n in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0; do
- read -r line && printf '%s\n' "$line" || break;
- done; # pass 10 lines through without modification
- sort; # and sort remaining lines
- } | while read -r tag; do
+ | { sed -u 10q; sort; } \
+ | while read -r tag; do
[ "$tag" ] || continue
t=''; [ ! "${f%%*|${tag}|*}" ] && t=checked
d="${tag#-}"; d="${d#*:}"
- # printf '[option %s value="%s"\n%s]' "$t" "$tag" "$d"
printf '[label [checkbox "tag_%s" "%s" %s] %s]' "$n" "$tag" "$t" "$d"
d="${f##*\$:}" d="${d%%\|*}"
printf ']'
- printf '[fieldset .submit [select name=order
- [option disabled=disabled Order By]
- [option value=Name %s Name]
- [option value=Date %s Date]
- [option value=Length %s Length]
- [option value=Group %s Group]
- ][button type=submit Apply Filter]]
- ]' \
- "$w_coname" "$w_codate" \
- "$w_colength" "$w_cogroup"
+ cat <<-EOF
+ [fieldset .submit [select name=order
+ [option disabled=disabled Order By]
+ [option value=Name ${w_coname} Name]
+ [option value=Date ${w_codate} Date]
+ [option value=Length ${w_colength} Length]
+ [option value=Group ${w_cogroup} Group]
+ ][button type=submit Apply Filter]]
+ ]
local tag category d
- printf '[a href="#multitag" Add Tags / Remove Tags]
- [div #multitag [input type="hidden" name="ref" value="%s"]' "$w_refuri"
- printf '[a href="#" X]'
+ cat <<-EOF
+ [a href="#multitag" Add Tags / Remove Tags]
+ [div #multitag [input type="hidden" name="ref" value="${w_refuri}"]
+ [a href="#" X]
printf 'Tags\n%s\n' "$w_tagcategories" \
| while read -r category; do
[ "$category" ] || continue
- # printf '[fieldset [legend %s:][select name=tag size=4 multiple\n' "$category"
printf '[fieldset [legend %s:][div .tagselect\n' "$category"
printf %s "$w_tags" \
| { [ "$category" = 'Tags' ] && grep -avF ':' || grep -awF "${category}"; } \
- | { for n in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0; do
- read -r line && printf '%s\n' "$line" || break
- done;
- sort;
- } | while read -r tag; do
+ | { sed -u 10q; sort; } \
+ | while read -r tag; do
[ "$tag" ] || continue
d="${tag#-}"; d="${d#*:}"
- # printf '[option value="%s"\n%s]' "$tag" "$d"
printf '[label [checkbox "tag" "%s"] %s]\n' "$tag" "$d"
printf ']]'
- printf '[fieldset [legend New:][textarea name=newtag\n]
- [submit "op" "del" Remove Tags][submit "op" "add" Add Tags]
- ]]'
+ cat <<-EOF
+ [fieldset [legend New:][textarea name=newtag\n]
+ [submit "op" "del" Remove Tags][submit "op" "add" Add Tags]
+ ]]