--- /dev/null
+. $_EXEC/cgilite/cgilite.sh
+. $_EXEC/cgilite/session.sh
+_(){ printf %s\\n "$*"; }
+[ "${LANGUAGE}" -a -r "${_EXEC}/l10n/${LANGUAGE}.sh" ] && . "${_EXEC}/l10n/${LANGUAGE}.sh"
+start_date= start_time= end_date= end_time=
+rec_freq= rec_int= error_msg= rec_end=
+start= end= nstart= nend=
+ local date="$1" y m d
+ if printf %s "$date" \
+ | grep -xEq '[0-9]{4}-((01|03|05|07|08|10|12)-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])|(04|06|09|11)-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|30)|02-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]))'
+ then # y-m-d (ISO Date)
+ y="${date%%-*}" d="${date##*-}" m="${date%-*}" m="${m#*-}"
+ elif printf %s "$date" \
+ | grep -xEq '((0?1|0?3|0?5|0?7|0?8|10|12)/(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])|(0?4|0?6|0?9|11)/(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|30)|0?2-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]))/([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})'
+ then # m/d/y (US Date)
+ y="${date##*/}" m="${date%%/*}" d="${date%/*}" d="${d#*/}"
+ elif printf %s "$date" \
+ | grep -xEq '((0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[\./](0?1|0?3|0?5|0?7|0?8|10|12)|(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|30)[\./](0?4|0?6|0?9|11)|(0[1-9]|[12][0-9])[\./]0?2)[\./]([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})'
+ then # d/m/y or d.m.y (European Date / German Date)
+ y="${date##*.}" d="${date%%.*}" m="${date%.*}" m="${m#*.}"
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+ [ $y -lt 100 -a $y -gt 50 ] && y=$((y + 1900))
+ [ $y -lt 100 -a $y -le 50 ] && y=$((y + 2000))
+ date="$(printf "%04i-%02i-%02i" $y ${m#0} ${d#0})"
+ # leap year
+ if [ "$m" -eq 2 -a "$d" -eq 29 ]; then
+ if [ "$((y % 400))" -eq 0 ]; then
+ :
+ elif [ "$((y % 100))" -eq 0 ]; then
+ return 1
+ elif [ "$((y % 4))" -eq 0 ]; then
+ :
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ printf '%04i-%02i-%02i\n' "$y" "${m#0}" "${d#0}"
+ return 0
+ time="$1" h= m=
+ if printf %s "$time" | grep -xEq '(0?[1-9]|1[012])(:[0-5][0-9])? ?(am|AM)\.?'; then
+ time="${time%?[aA][mM]}" h="${time%:*}" h="$(h % 12)"
+ [ "$h" != "$time" ] && m="${time#*:}" || m=0
+ elif printf %s "$time" | grep -xEq '(0?[1-9]|1[012])(:[0-5][0-9])? ?(pm|PM)\.?'; then
+ time="${time%?[aA][mM]}" h="${time%:*}" h="$(h % 12 + 12)"
+ [ "$h" != "$time" ] && m="${time#*:}" || m=0
+ elif printf %s "$time" | grep -xEq '(0?[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]'; then
+ time="${time%?[aA][mM]}" h="${time%:*}" m="${time#*:}"
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+ printf '%02i:%02i\n' "${h#0}" "${m#0}"
+ return 0
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case $1 in
+ --from|from|--start|start)
+ if isdate "$2" && istime "$3" ; then
+ start_date="$(isdate "$2" )" start_time="$(istime "$3")"
+ shift 3
+ elif isdate "${2%% *}" && istime "${2#* }" ; then
+ start_date="$(isdate "${2%% *}" )" start_time="$(istime "${2#* }")"
+ shift 2
+ elif isdate "$2" ; then
+ start_date="$(isdate "$2")" start_time="00:00"
+ shift 2
+ else
+ error_msg="Event start should be \"YYYY-MM-DD\" or \"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm\""
+ shift 1
+ fi >/dev/null
+ ;;
+ --to|to|--end|end)
+ if isdate "$2" && istime "$3"; then
+ end_date="$(isdate "$2")" end_time="$(istime "$3")"
+ shift 3
+ elif isdate "${2%% *}" && istime "${2#* }"; then
+ end_date="$(isdate "${2%% *}")" end_time="$(istime "${2#* }")"
+ shift 2
+ elif isdate "$2"; then
+ end_date="$(isdate "$2")" end_time="23:59"
+ shift 2
+ elif istime "$2"; then
+ end_time="$(istime "$2")"
+ shift 2
+ else
+ error_msg="Event end should be \"YYYY-MM-DD\" or \"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm\" or \"hh:mm\""
+ shift 1
+ fi >/dev/null
+ ;;
+ --repeat|--recur|--recurrence|--every|every)
+ if expr "$2" : '^[0-9]\+$' &&
+ expr "$3" : '^\(days\|nights\|weeks\|months\|years\|weekday\)$'; then
+ rec_freq="$2" rec_int="$3"
+ shift 3
+ elif expr "$2" : '^[0-9]\+ \+\(days\|nights\|weeks\|months\|years\|weekday\)$'; then
+ rec_freq="${2%% *}" rec_int="${2##* }"
+ shift 2
+ elif expr "$2" : '^\(day\|daily\|night\|nightly\|week\|weekly\|month\|monthly\|year\|yearly\|annually\)$'; then
+ rec_freq="1" rec_int="$2"
+ shift 2
+ elif expr "$2" : '^last weekday$'; then
+ rec_freq="-1" rec_int="weekday"
+ shift 2
+ elif expr "$2 $3" : '^last weekday$'; then
+ rec_freq="-1" rec_int="weekday"
+ shift 3
+ elif expr "$2" : '^\(biweekly\|bimonthly\)$'; then
+ rec_freq="2" rec_int="$2"
+ shift 2
+ else
+ error_msg="Recurrence should be \"N days|weeks|months|years\" or \"N|last weekday\""
+ shift 1
+ fi >/dev/null
+ ;;
+ --until|until)
+ if isdate $2; then
+ rec_end="$(isdate "$2")"
+ shift 2
+ else
+ error_msg="Recurrence end should be \"YYYY-MM-DD\""
+ shift 1
+ fi >/dev/null
+ ;;
+ --title)
+ title="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ *) shift 1;;
+esac; done
+if [ ! "$end_time" ]; then
+ end_time="23:59"
+if [ ! "$end_date" -a "$end_time" -a "$start_time" ]; then
+ if [ "$((${end_time%:*} * 60 + ${end_time#*:}))" -gt "$((${start_time%:*} * 60 + ${start_time#*:}))" ]; then
+ end_date="$start_date"
+ else
+ end_date="$(date -d "@$(($(date -d "$start_date" +%s) + 86400))" +%F)"
+ fi
+if [ ! "$start_date" ]; then
+ error_msg="Event needs start date, e.g. --start \"YYYY-MM-DD\""
+if [ ! "$title" ]; then
+ error_msg="Event needs title, e.g. --title \"Event Name\""
+if [ "$error_msg" ]; then
+ _ "$error_msg"
+ exit 1
+case $rec_int in
+ day|daily|days|night|nightly|nights)
+ rec_int="day";;
+ week|weeks|weekly|biweekly)
+ rec_int="week";;
+ month|monthly|months|bimonthly)
+ rec_int="month";;
+ year|yearly|years|annually)
+ rec_int="year";;
+if [ "$rec_end" ]; then
+ rec_end="$(date -d "$rec_end" +%s)"
+if [ -s './#events' ]; then
+ t1="$(stat -c %Y './#page.md')"
+ read t2 junk <"./#events"
+ if [ "$t1" -ge "$t2" ]; then
+ truncate -s 0 "./#events"
+ fi
+printf '%i %i %i %i %s %i\n' \
+ "$_DATE" "$(date -d "$start_date $start_time" +%s)" "$(date -d "$end_date $end_time" +%s)" \
+ "${rec_freq:-0}" "${rec_int:-\\}" "${rec_end:--1}" \
+ >>'./#events'
+start="$(date -d "$start_date $start_time" +%s)"
+ end="$(date -d "$end_date $end_time" +%s)"
+if [ $_DATE -le $end ]; then
+ nstart="$start" nend="$end"
+[ $_DATE -gt $end ] && case $rec_int in
+ day)
+ nend=$(( rec_freq * 86400 - (_DATE - end) % (rec_freq * 86400) + _DATE ))
+ nstart=$(( start - end + nend))
+ ;;
+ week)
+ nend=$(( rec_freq * 604800 - (_DATE - end) % (rec_freq * 604800) + _DATE ))
+ nstart=$(( start - end + nend))
+ ;;
+ month)
+ { read _y _m _d; read y m d; } <<-EOF
+ $(date -d @$_DATE +"%Y %_m %_d"
+ date -d @$start +"%Y %_m %_d"
+ )
+ _m=$((_y * 12 + _m)) m=$((y * 12 + m))
+ while :; do
+ mod=$(( (_m - m) % rec_freq )); [ $mod -eq 0 ] && mod="$rec_freq";
+ m=$(( rec_freq - mod + _m ))
+ y=$((m / 12)) m=$((m % 12)); [ $m -eq 0 ] && y=$((y - 1)) m=12;
+ nstart="$(printf '%04i-%02i-%02i' "$y" "$m" "$d")"
+ isdate "$nstart" >/dev/null && [ $(date -d "$nstart" +%s) -ge $_DATE ] && break
+ debug loop
+ m=$((y * 12 + m)) _m="$((_m + rec_freq))"
+ done
+ nstart="$(date -d "$nstart $start_time" +%s)"
+ nend="$((end - start + nstart))"
+ ;;
+ year)
+ ;;
+ '')
+ nstart="$start" nend="$end"
+ ;;
+"$_EXEC/cgilite/html-sh.sed" <<-EOF
+ [div .macro .event
+ [label . $(HTML "$title")]
+ [dl
+ [dt $(_ Start:)][dd $(date -d @$nstart +"%F %T")]
+ [dt $(_ End:)][dd $(date -d @$nend +"%F %T")]
+ ]
+ ]
+# uid="$(timeid)"
+# tzid="$(cat /etc/timezone || printf 'UTC')"
+# cat >>"#events.ics" <<-EOF
+# VERSION:2.0
+# PRODID:ShellWiki Event Macro
+# UID:$uid@$(HEADER Host)
+# DTSTAMP:TZID=${tzid}:$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S)
+# DTSTART:TZID=${tzid}:$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S -d "$start_date $start_time")
+# RRULE:FREQ=$ec_freq;INTERVAL=$rec_int;UNTIL=$(date +%Y%m%dT000000Z -d "$rec_end")
+# EOF