--- /dev/null
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+\*\***strong**\*\* \**emphasized*\* `~~`~~strikethrough~~`~~` \``verbatim`\`
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+### Links:
+Simple Weblink (use angle brackets): < <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown> >
+Simple Email Link: < <spam@example.com> >
+Weblink with Text: \[Wikipedia article\](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) - [Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown)
+Other pages on the same site:
+[Start page](/): `[Start page](/)`, [Help](/[wiki]/editorhelp/): `[Help](/[wiki]/editorhelp/)`
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+| [space] [number] [dot] [space] [text] | 1. ordered |
+| 1. ordered | 2. list |
+| 2. list | 1. indented point|
+| 1. indented point | |
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+ esac
+ done)
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