- self.subgets['filter'] = Pmw.OptionMenu(self, initialitem = 0,
- items = ['-vf-add crop=320:240:10:10',
- '-vf-add crop=160:120:0:0'
- ])
- self.subgets['filter'].pack(side = TOP, expand = True, fill = X)
+ self.subgets['f_spin'] = Frame(self)
+ self.subgets['f_spin'].pack(side = TOP, anchor = N, expand = True, fill = BOTH)
+ self.subgets['l_width'] = Label(self.subgets['f_spin'], text = 'Width:')
+ self.subgets['l_width'].pack(side = LEFT, anchor = N)
+ self.subgets['s_width'] = Spinbox(self.subgets['f_spin'], from_ = 0, to = 8192, wrap = False, width = 5)
+ self.subgets['s_width'].delete(0, END)
+ self.subgets['s_width'].insert(0, 320)
+ self.subgets['s_width'].pack(side = LEFT, anchor = N, fill = X)
+ self.subgets['s_height'] = Spinbox(self.subgets['f_spin'], from_ = -2, to = 8192, wrap = False, width = 5)
+ self.subgets['s_height'].delete(0, END)
+ self.subgets['s_height'].insert(0, 240)
+ self.subgets['s_height'].pack(side = RIGHT, anchor = N, fill = X)
+ self.subgets['l_height'] = Label(self.subgets['f_spin'], text = 'Height:')
+ self.subgets['l_height'].pack(side = RIGHT, anchor = N)