+# Copyright 2018 Paul Hänsch
+# This is a file format helper, part of CGIlite.
+# CGIlite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# CGIlite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with CGIlite. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# ksh and zsh workaround
+case "${0##*/}" in
+ zsh) setopt -o OCTAL_ZEROES 2>&- ;; # zsh, mostly ignored by other shells
+ ksh) set -o posix ;; # ksh, will crash most other shells
+ # Store fields from a HTTP GET or POST string in a file
+ # usage: STORE "${QUERY_STRING}"
+ # or: STORE "$(head -n $HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH)"
+ printf "$(
+ printf '&%s' "$@" \
+ | sed -r ':X; $bY; N; bX; :Y;
+ s;\+; ;g; s;(\\|5[Cc]);\\\\\\\\;g; s;(\n|%0[Aa]);\\\\n;g; s;(^|&)([^=]+)=;\1\2:;g; s;&;\n;g;
+ s;^\n+;;; s;$;\\n;; s;\n+;\n;g;
+ # Hexadecimal { %00 - %FF } will be transformed to octal { \000 - \377 } for posix printf
+ s;%[0123].;&\\0;g; s;%[4567].;&\\1;g; s;%[89AB].;&\\2;g; s;%[CDEF].;&\\3;g;
+ s;%[048C][0-7]\\.;&0;g; s;%[048C][89A-F]\\.;&1;g; s;%[159D][0-7]\\.;&2;g; s;%[159D][89A-F]\\.;&3;g;
+ s;%[26AE][0-7]\\.;&4;g; s;%[26AE][89A-F]\\.;&5;g; s;%[37BF][0-7]\\.;&6;g; s;%[37BF][89A-F]\\.;&7;g;
+ s;%.[08](\\..);\10;g; s;%.[19](\\..);\11;g; s;%.[2A](\\..);\12;g; s;%.[3B](\\..);\13;g;
+ s;%.[4C](\\..);\14;g; s;%.[5D](\\..);\15;g; s;%.[6E](\\..);\16;g; s;%.[7F](\\..);\17;g;
+ '
+ )"
+ # read a file written by STORE and assign all fields to variables
+ # usage: eval "$(LOAD <file)"
+ #
+ # fields will be assigned to shell variables of the same name, but with the following constraints:
+ # * small letters will be converted to capitals
+ # * all non-alphanumeric characters will be converted to underscore (_)
+ # * an underscore will be prepended
+ # as a consequence variable names are guaranteed to match the regex /_[A-Z0-9_]+/
+ #
+ # field values may contain any character, proper escaping for safe use in eval is taken care of
+ # Your shell may or may not purge certain binary characters from variable values during processing
+ sed -r 'h; s;^[^:]+:;;
+ s;'\'';'\''\\'\'\'';g;
+ s;^.*$;'\''&'\'';;
+ s;\\n;\n;g;
+ x; s;^([^:]+):.*$;\1;
+ y;abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz;ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ;
+ s;[^A-Z0-9_];_;g; s;^.*$;_&=;;
+ G; s;^([A-Z0-9_]+=)\n;\1;;
+ '