--- /dev/null
+last='' curr='' next=''
+while :; do
+ tag="${tag}${line%%>*}"
+ if [ "$line" = "${line%%>*}" ]; then
+ # $line did not contain ">" and thus was added to $tag entirely
+ if ! line="$(line)"; then
+ printf %s\\n "$tag"
+ break
+ fi
+ tag="${tag}
+ else
+ # $line is shortened by segment added to $tag
+ line="${line#*>}"
+ tag="${tag}>"
+ fi
+ case $tag in
+ *\<slide\ *id=\"?*\"*\>*)
+ prev="$curr" curr="$next"
+ next="${tag#*<slide }"
+ next="${next#*id=\"}"
+ next="${next%\"*}"
+ printf '%s<a href="#%s">previous</a><a href="#%s">next</a><slide %s' \
+ "${tag%<slide *}" "$prev" "$next" "${tag#*<slide }"
+ tag=''
+ ;;
+ *\<slide\ *\>*)
+ prev="$curr" curr="$next"
+ next="autoslide${idoff}"
+ idoff="$((idoff + 1))"
+ printf '%s<a href="#%s">previous</a><a href="#%s">next</a><slide %s' \
+ "${tag%<slide *}" "$prev" "$next" "${tag#*<slide }"
+ tag=''
+ ;;
+ *\<*\>*)
+ printf %s "$tag"
+ tag=''
+ ;;
+ *) :
+ ;;
+ esac