#!/bin/awk -f #!/opt/busybox/awk -f # EXPERIMENTAL Markdown processor with minimal dependencies. # Meant to support all features of John Grubers basic Markdown # + a number of common extensions, mostly inspired by Pandoc Markdown # Supported Features / TODO: # ========================== # [x] done [ ] todo [-] not planned ? unsure # # Basic Markdown - Block elements: # ------------------------------- # - [x] Paragraphs # - [x] Double space line breaks # - [x] Proper block element nesting # - [x] Headings # - [x] ATX-Style Headings # - [x] Blockquotes # - [x] Lists (ordered, unordered) # - [x] Code blocks (using indention) # - [x] Horizontal rules # - [x] Verbatim HTML block (disabled by default) # # Basic Markdown - Inline elements: # --------------------------------- # - [x] Links # - [x] Reference style links # - [x] Emphasis *em*/**strong** (*Asterisk*, _Underscore_) # - [x] `code`, also ``code containing `backticks` `` # - [x] Images / reference style images # - [x] # - [x] backslash escapes # - [x] Verbatim HTML inline (disabled by default) # - [x] HTML escaping # # NOTE: Set the environment variable MD_HTML=true to enable verbatim HTML # # Extensions - Block elements: # ---------------------------- # - ? Heading identifiers (php md, pandoc) # - [x] Automatic heading identifiers (custom) # - [x] Fenced code blocks (php md, pandoc) # - [x] Fenced code attributes # - [x] Images (as block elements,
-wrapped) (custom) # - [x] reference style block images # - [/] Tables # - ? Simple table (pandoc) # - ? Multiline table (pandoc) # - [x] Grid table (pandoc) # - [x] Headerless # - [x] Pipe table (php md, pandoc) # - [x] Line blocks (pandoc) # - [x] Task lists (pandoc, custom) # - [ ] Definition lists (php md, pandoc) # - [-] Numbered example lists (pandoc) # - [-] Metadata blocks (pandoc) # - [x] Metadata blocks (custom) # - [x] Fenced Divs (pandoc) # # Extensions - Inline elements: # ---------------------------- # - [x] Ignore embedded_underscores (php md, pandoc) # - [x] ~~strikeout~~ (pandoc) # - [x] ^Superscript^ ~Subscript~ (pandoc) # - [-] Bracketed spans (pandoc) # - [-] Inline attributes (pandoc) # - [x] Image attributes (custom, pandoc inspired, not for reference style) # - [x] Wiki style links [[PageName]] / [[PageName|Link Text]] # - [-] TEX-Math (pandoc) # - ? Footnotes (php md) # - ? Abbreviations (php md) # - ? "Curly quotes" (smartypants) # - [ ] em-dashes (--) (smartypants old) # - ? ... three-dot ellipsis (smartypants) # - [-] en-dash (smartypants) # - [ ] Automatic em-dash / en-dash # - [x] Automatic -> Arrows <- (custom) function debug(text) { printf "\n---\n%s\n---\n", text > "/dev/stderr"; } function HTML ( text ) { gsub( /&/, "\\&", text ); gsub( //, "\\>", text ); gsub( /"/, "\\"", text ); gsub( /'/, "\\'", text ); gsub( /\\/, "\\\", text ); return text; } function URL ( text ) { gsub( /&/, "%26", text ); gsub( /"/, "%22", text ); gsub( /'/, "%27", text ); gsub( /\?/, "%3F", text ); gsub( /#/, "%23", text ); gsub( /\[/, "%5B", text ); gsub( /\]/, "%5D", text ); gsub( / /, "%20", text ); gsub( / /, "%09", text ); gsub( /\\/, "%5C", text ); return text; } function inline( line, LOCAL, len, code, href, guard ) { nu = "(\\\\\\\\|\\\\[^\\\\]|[^\\\\_]|_[[:alnum:]])*" # not underline (except when escaped) na = "(\\\\\\\\|\\\\[^\\\\]|[^\\\\\\*])*" # not asterisk (except when escaped) ieu = "_([^_[:space:]]|[^_[:space:]]" nu "[^_[:space:]])_" # inner (underline) isu = "__([^_[:space:]]|[^_[:space:]]" nu "[^_[:space:]])__" # inner (underline) iea = "\\*([^\\*[:space:]]|[^\\*[:space:]]" na "[^\\*[:space:]])\\*" # inner (asterisk) isa = "\\*\\*([^\\*[:space:]]|[^\\*[:space:]]" na "[^\\*[:space:]])\\*\\*" # inner (asterisk) if ( line ~ /^$/ ) { # Recursion End return ""; # omit processing of escaped characters } else if ( line ~ /^\\[]\\`\*_\{\}\(\)#\+-\.![]/) { return substr(line, 2, 1) inline( substr(line, 3) ); # hard brakes } else if ( match(line, /^ \n/) ) { return "
\n" inline( substr(line, RLENGTH + 1) ); # ``code spans`` } else if ( match( line, /^`+/) ) { len = RLENGTH guard = substr( line, 1, len ) if ( match(line, guard ".*" guard) ) { code = substr( line, len + 1, match( substr(line, len + 1), guard ) - 1) len = 2 * length(guard) + length(code) # strip single surrounding white spaces code = gensub( / (.*) /, "\\1", "1" , code) # escape HTML within code span gsub( /&/, "\\&", code ); gsub( //, "\\>", code ); return "" code "" inline( substr( line, len + 1 ) ) } # Wiki style links } else if ( match( line, /^\[\[([^]|]+)(\|[^]]+)?\]\]/) ) { len = RLENGTH; href = gensub(/^\[\[([^]|]+)(\|([^]]+))?\]\]/, "\\1", 1, substr(line, 1, len) ); text = gensub(/^\[\[([^]|]+)(\|([^]]+))?\]\]/, "\\3", 1, substr(line, 1, len) ); if ( ! text ) text = href; return "" HTML(text) "" inline( substr( line, len + 1) ); # quick links ("automatic links" in md doc) } else if ( match( line, /^<[a-zA-Z]+:\/\/([-\.[:alnum:]]+)(:[0-9]*)?(\/[^>]*)?>/ ) ) { len = RLENGTH; href = URL( substr( line, 2, len - 2) ); return "" href "" inline( substr( line, len + 1) ); # quick link email } else if ( match( line, /^<[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'\''*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*>/ ) ) { len = RLENGTH; href = URL( substr( line, 2, len - 2) ); return "" href "" inline( substr( line, len + 1) ); # inline links # ,_______________________Image____________________________, } else if ( match(line, /^\[([^]]+|!\[[^]]*\]\([^"\)]+([ \t]+"[^"]+")?\)(\{[a-zA-Z \t-]*\})?)\]\(([^"\)]+)([[:space:]]+"([^"]+)")?\)/) ) { len = RLENGTH; text = gensub(/^\[([^]]+|!\[[^]]*\]\([^"\)]+([ \t]+"[^"]+")?\)(\{[a-zA-Z \t-]*\})?)\]\(([^"\)]+)([[:space:]]+"([^"]+)")?\)/, \ "\\1", 1, substr(line, 1, len) ); href = gensub(/^\[([^]]+|!\[[^]]*\]\([^"\)]+([ \t]+"[^"]+")?\)(\{[a-zA-Z \t-]*\})?)\]\(([^"\)]+)([[:space:]]+"([^"]+)")?\)/, \ "\\4", 1, substr(line, 1, len) ); title = gensub(/^\[([^]]+|!\[[^]]*\]\([^"\)]+([ \t]+"[^"]+")?\)(\{[a-zA-Z \t-]*\})?)\]\(([^"\)]+)([[:space:]]+"([^"]+)")?\)/, \ "\\6", 1, substr(line, 1, len) ); if ( title ) { return "" inline( text ) "" inline( substr( line, len + 1) ); } else { return "" inline( text ) "" inline( substr( line, len + 1) ); } # reference style links } else if ( match(line, /^\[([^]]+)\] ?\[([^]]*)\]/ ) ) { len = RLENGTH; text = gensub(/^\[([^\n]+)\] ?\[([^\n]*)\].*/, "\\1", 1, substr(line, 1, len) ); id = gensub(/^\[([^\n]+)\] ?\[([^\n]*)\].*/, "\\2", 1, substr(line, 1, len) ); if ( ! id ) id = text; if ( rl_href[id] && rl_title[id] ) { return "" inline(text) "" inline( substr( line, len + 1) ); } else if ( rl_href[id] ) { return "" inline(text) "" inline( substr( line, len + 1) ); } else { return "" HTML(substr(line, 1, len)) inline( substr(line, len + 1) ); } # inline images } else if ( match(line, /^!\[([^]]*)\]\(([^"\)]+)([ \t]+"([^"]+)")?\)(\{([a-zA-Z \t-]*)\})?/) ) { len = RLENGTH; text = gensub(/^!\[([^]]*)\]\(([^"\)]+)([ \t]+"([^"]+)")?\)(\{([a-zA-Z \t-]*)\})?/, "\\1", "g", substr(line, 1, len) ); href = gensub(/^!\[([^]]*)\]\(([^"\)]+)([ \t]+"([^"]+)")?\)(\{([a-zA-Z \t-]*)\})?/, "\\2", "g", substr(line, 1, len) ); title = gensub(/^!\[([^]]*)\]\(([^"\)]+)([ \t]+"([^"]+)")?\)(\{([a-zA-Z \t-]*)\})?/, "\\4", "g", substr(line, 1, len) ); attrib = gensub(/^!\[([^]]*)\]\(([^"\)]+)([ \t]+"([^"]+)")?\)(\{([a-zA-Z \t-]*)\})?/, "\\6", "g", substr(line, 1, len) ); if ( title && attrib ) { return "\""" \ inline( substr( line, len + 1) ); } else if ( title ) { return "\""" \ inline( substr( line, len + 1) ); } else if ( attrib ) { return "\""" \ inline( substr( line, len + 1) ); } else { return "\""" \ inline( substr( line, len + 1) ); } # reference style images } else if ( match(line, /^!\[([^]]*)\] ?\[([^]]*)\]/ ) ) { len = RLENGTH; text = gensub(/^!\[([^\n]*)\] ?\[([^\n]*)\].*/, "\\1", 1, substr(line, 1, len) ); id = gensub(/^!\[([^\n]*)\] ?\[([^\n]*)\].*/, "\\2", 1, substr(line, 1, len) ); if ( ! id ) id = text; if ( rl_href[id] && rl_title[id] ) { return "\""" \ inline( substr( line, len + 1) ); } else if ( rl_href[id] ) { return "\""" \ inline( substr( line, len + 1) ); } else { return "" HTML(substr(line, 1, len)) inline( substr(line, len + 1) ); } # ~~strikeout~~ (pandoc) } else if ( match(line, /^~~([[:graph:]]|[[:graph:]]([^~]|~[^~])*[[:graph:]])~~/) ) { len = RLENGTH; return "" inline( substr( line, 3, len - 4 ) ) "" inline( substr( line, len + 1 ) ); # ^superscript^ (pandoc) } else if ( match(line, /^\^([^[:space:]^]|\\[ ^])+\^/) ) { len = RLENGTH; return "" inline( substr( line, 2, len - 2 ) ) "" inline( substr( line, len + 1 ) ); # ~subscript~ (pandoc) } else if ( match(line, /^~([^[:space:]~]|\\[ ~])+~/) ) { len = RLENGTH; return "" inline( substr( line, 2, len - 2 ) ) "" inline( substr( line, len + 1 ) ); # ignore embedded underscores (pandoc, php md) } else if ( match(line, "^[[:alnum:]](__|_)") ) { return HTML(substr( line, 1, RLENGTH)) inline( substr(line, RLENGTH + 1) ); # __strong__$ } else if ( match(line, "^__(([^_[:space:]]|" ieu ")|([^_[:space:]]|" ieu ")(" nu "|" ieu ")*([^_[:space:]]|" ieu "))__$") ) { len = RLENGTH; return "" inline( substr( line, 3, len - 4 ) ) "" inline( substr( line, len + 1 ) ); # __strong__ } else if ( match(line, "^__(([^_[:space:]]|" ieu ")|([^_[:space:]]|" ieu ")(" nu "|" ieu ")*([^_[:space:]]|" ieu "))__[[:space:][:punct:]]") ) { len = RLENGTH; return "" inline( substr( line, 3, len - 5 ) ) "" inline( substr( line, len) ); # **strong** } else if ( match(line, "^\\*\\*(([^\\*[:space:]]|" iea ")|([^\\*[:space:]]|" iea ")(" na "|" iea ")*([^\\*[:space:]]|" iea "))\\*\\*") ) { len = RLENGTH; return "" inline( substr( line, 3, len - 4 ) ) "" inline( substr( line, len + 1 ) ); # _em_$ } else if ( match(line, "^_(([^_[:space:]]|" isu ")|([^_[:space:]]|" isu ")(" nu "|" isu ")*([^_[:space:]]|" isu "))_$") ) { len = RLENGTH; return "" inline( substr( line, 2, len - 2 ) ) "" inline( substr( line, len + 1 ) ); # _em_ } else if ( match(line, "^_(([^_[:space:]]|" isu ")|([^_[:space:]]|" isu ")(" nu "|" isu ")*([^_[:space:]]|" isu "))_[[:space:][:punct:]]") ) { len = RLENGTH; return "" inline( substr( line, 2, len - 3 ) ) "" inline( substr( line, len ) ); # *em* } else if ( match(line, "^\\*(([^\\*[:space:]]|" isa ")|([^\\*[:space:]]|" isa ")(" na "|" isa ")*([^\\*[:space:]]|" isa "))\\*") ) { len = RLENGTH; return "" inline( substr( line, 2, len - 2 ) ) "" inline( substr( line, len + 1 ) ); # Macros } else if ( AllowMacros && match( line, /^<<([^>]|>[^>])+>>/) ) { len = RLENGTH; return macro( substr( line, 3, len - 4 ) ) inline(substr(line, len + 1)); # Verbatim inline HTML } else if ( AllowHTML && match( line, /^(|<\?([^\?]|\?[^>])*\?>|]*>|])*\]\]>|<\/[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]*[[:space:]]*>|<[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]*([[:space:]]+[A-Za-z_:][A-Za-z0-9_\.:-]*([[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*([[:space:]"'=<>`]+|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'))?)*[[:space:]]*\/?>)/) ) { len = RLENGTH; return substr( line, 1, len) inline(substr(line, len + 1)); # Literal HTML entities } else if ( match( line, /^&([a-zA-Z]{2,32}|#[0-9]{1,7}|#[xX][0-9a-fA-F]{1,6});/) ) { len = RLENGTH; return substr( line, 1, len ) inline(substr(line, len + 1)); # Arrows } else if ( line ~ /^-->( |$)/) { # ignore multidash-arrow return "-->" inline( substr(line, 4) ); } else if ( line ~ /^<-( |$)/) { return "←" inline( substr(line, 3) ); } else if ( line ~ /^->( |$)/) { return "→" inline( substr(line, 3) ); # Escape lone HTML character } else if ( match( line, /^[&<>"']/) ) { return HTML(substr(line, 1, 1)) inline(substr(line, 2)); # continue walk over string } else { return substr(line, 1, 1) inline( substr(line, 2) ); } } function _block( block, LOCAL, st, len, hlvl, htxt, guard, code, indent, attrib ) { gsub( /^\n+|\n+$/, "", block ); if ( block == "" ) { return ""; # HTML #2 #3 #4 $5 } else if ( AllowHTML && match( block, /(^|\n) ? ? ?(|$)|<\?([^\?]|\?[^>])*(\?>|$)|]*(>|$)|])*(\]\]>|$))/) ) { len = RLENGTH; st = RSTART; return _block(substr(block, 1, st - 1)) substr(block, st, len) _block(substr(block, st + len)); # HTML #6 } else if ( AllowHTML && match( tolower(block), /(^|\n) ? ? ?<\/?(address|article|aside|base|basefont|blockquote|body|caption|center|col|colgroup|dd|details|dialog|dir|div|dl|dt|fieldset|figcaption|figure|footer|form|frame|frameset|h[123456]|head|header|hr|html|iframe|legend|li|link|main|menu|menuitem|nav|noframes|ol|optgroup|option|p|param|section|source|summary|table|tbody|td|tfoot|th|thead|title|tr|track|ul)([[:space:]\n>]|\/>)([^\n]|\n[ \t]*[^\n])*(\n[[:space:]]*\n|$)/) ) { len = RLENGTH; st = RSTART; return _block(substr(block, 1, st - 1)) substr(block, st, len) _block(substr(block, st + len)); # HTML #1 } else if ( AllowHTML && match( tolower(block), /(^|\n) ? ? ?<(script|pre|style)([[:space:]\n>]).*(<\/script>|<\/pre>|<\/style>|$)/) ) { len = RLENGTH; st = RSTART; match( tolower(substr(block, st, len)), /(<\/script>|<\/pre>|<\/style>)/); len = RSTART + RLENGTH; return _block(substr(block, 1, st - 1)) substr(block, st, len) _block(substr(block, st + len)); # HTML #7 } else if ( AllowHTML && match( block, /^ ? ? ?(<\/[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]*[[:space:]]*>|<[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]*([[:space:]]+[A-Za-z_:][A-Za-z0-9_\.:-]*([[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*([[:space:]"'=<>`]+|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'))?)*[[:space:]]*\/?>)([[:space:]]*\n)([^\n]|\n[ \t]*[^\n])*(\n[[:space:]]*\n|$)/) ) { len = RLENGTH; st = RSTART; return substr(block, st, len) _block(substr(block, st + len)); # Metadata (custom, block starting with %something) # Metadata is ignored but can be interpreted externally } else if ( match(block, /^%[a-zA-Z]+([[:space:]][^\n]*)?(\n|$)(%[a-zA-Z]+([[:space:]][^\n]*)?(\n|$)|%([[:space:]][^\n]*)?(\n|$)|[ \t]+[^\n[:space:]][^\n]*(\n|$))*/) ) { len = RLENGTH; st = RSTART; return _block( substr( block, len + 1) ); # Blockquote (leading >) } else if ( match( block, /^> /) ) { match( block, /(^|\n)[[:space:]]*(\n|$)/ ) || match(block, /$/); len = RLENGTH; st = RSTART; return "
\n" _block( gensub( /(^|\n)> /, "\n", "g", substr(block, 1, st - 1) ) ) "
\n\n" \ _block( substr(block, st + len) ); # Pipe Tables (pandoc / php md / gfm ) } else if ( match(block, "^((\\|)?([^\n]+\\|)+[^\n]+(\\|)?)\n" \ "((\\|)?:?(-+:?[\\|+])+:?-+:?(\\|)?)\n" \ "((\\|)?([^\n]+\\|)+[^\n]+(\\|)?(\n|$))+" ) ) { len = RLENGTH; st = RSTART; #initialize empty arrays split("", talign); split("", tarray); cols = 0; cnt=0; ttext = ""; # table header and alignment split( gensub( /(^\||\|$)/, "", "g", \ gensub( /(^|[^\\])\\\|/, "\\1\\|", "g", \ substr(block, 1, match(block, /(\n|$)/)) \ )), tarray, /\|/); block = substr(block, match(block, /(\n|$)/) + 1 ); cols = split( \ gensub( /(^\||\|$)/, "", "g", \ substr(block, 1, match(block, /(\n|$)/)) \ ), talign, /[+\|]/); block = substr(block, match(block, /(\n|$)/) + 1 ); for( cnt = 1; cnt < cols; cnt++ ) { if (match(talign[cnt], /:-+:/)) talign[cnt]="center"; else if (match(talign[cnt], /-+:/)) talign[cnt]="right"; else if (match(talign[cnt], /:-+/)) talign[cnt]="left"; else talign[cnt]=""; } ttext = "\n" for (cnt = 1; cnt < cols; cnt++) ttext = ttext "" inline(tarray[cnt]) "" ttext = ttext "\n\n" while ( match(block, "^((\\|)?([^\n]+\\|)+[^\n]+(\\|)?(\n|$))+" ) ){ split( gensub( /(^\||\|$)/, "", "g", \ gensub( /(^|[^\\])\\\|/, "\\1\\|", "g", \ substr(block, 1, match(block, /(\n|$)/)) \ )), tarray, /\|/); block = substr(block, match(block, /(\n|$)/) + 1 ); ttext = ttext "" for (cnt = 1; cnt < cols; cnt++) ttext = ttext "" inline(tarray[cnt]) "" ttext = ttext "\n" } return "" ttext "
\n" _block(block); # Grid Tables (pandoc) # (with, and without header) } else if ( match( block, "^\\+(-+\\+)+\n" \ "(\\|([^\n]+\\|)+\n)+" \ "(\\+(:?=+:?\\+)+)\n" \ "((\\|([^\n]+\\|)+\n)+" \ "\\+(-+\\+)+(\n|$))+", \ tread \ ) || \ match( block, "^()()()" \ "(\\+(:?-+:?\\+)+)\n" \ "((\\|([^\n]+\\|)+\n)+" \ "\\+(-+\\+)+(\n|$))+", \ tread \ ) ) { len = RLENGTH; st = RSTART; #initialize empty arrays split("", talign); split("", tarray); # split("", tread); cols = 0; cnt=0; ttext = ""; # table alignment cols = split( gensub( /(^\+|\+$)/, "", "g", tread[4] ), talign, /\+/ ); for (cnt = 1; cnt <= cols; cnt++) { if (match(talign[cnt], /:(-+|=+):/)) talign[cnt]="center"; else if (match(talign[cnt], /(-+|=+):/)) talign[cnt]="right"; else if (match(talign[cnt], /:(-+|=+)/ )) talign[cnt]="left"; else talign[cnt]=""; } if ( match(block, "^\\+(-+\\+)+\n" \ "(\\|([^\n]+\\|)+\n)+" \ "\\+(:?=+:?\\+)+\n" \ "((\\|([^\n]+\\|)+\n)+" \ "\\+(-+\\+)+(\n|$))+" \ ) ) { # table header block = substr(block, match(block, /(\n|$)/) + 1 ); while ( match(block, "^\\|([^\n]+\\|)+\n") ) { cols = split( gensub( /(^\||\|$)/, "", "g", \ gensub( /(^|[^\\])\\\|/, "\\1\\|", "g", \ substr(block, 1, match(block, /(\n|$)/)) \ )), tread, /\|/); block = substr(block, match(block, /(\n|$)/) + 1 ); for (cnt = 1; cnt <= cols; cnt++) tarray[cnt] = tarray[cnt] "\n" tread[cnt]; } ttext = "\n" for (cnt = 1; cnt <= cols; cnt++) ttext = ttext "" _block(tarray[cnt]) "" ttext = ttext "\n" } # table body block = substr(block, match(block, /(\n|$)/) + 1 ); ttext = ttext "\n" while ( match(block, /^((\|([^\n]+\|)+\n)+\+(-+\+)+(\n|$))+/ ) ){ split("", tarray); while ( match(block, /^\|([^\n]+\|)+\n/) ) { split( gensub( /(^\||\|$)/, "", "g", \ gensub( /(^|[^\\])\\\|/, "\\1\\|", "g", \ substr(block, 1, match(block, /(\n|$)/)) \ )), tread, /\|/); block = substr(block, match(block, /(\n|$)/) + 1 ); for (cnt = 1; cnt <= cols; cnt++) tarray[cnt] = tarray[cnt] "\n" tread[cnt]; } block = substr(block, match(block, /(\n|$)/) + 1 ); ttext = ttext "" for (cnt = 1; cnt <= cols; cnt++) ttext = ttext "" _block(tarray[cnt]) "" ttext = ttext "\n" } return "" ttext "
\n" _block(block); # Line Blocks (pandoc) } else if ( match(block, /^\| [^\n]*(\n|$)(\| [^\n]*(\n|$)|[ \t]+[^\n[:space:]][^\n]*(\n|$))*/) ) { len = RLENGTH; st = RSTART; code = substr(block, 1, len); gsub(/\n[[:space:]]+/, " ", code); gsub(/\n\| /, "\n", code); gsub(/^\| |\n$/, "", code); return "
" gensub(/\n/, "
\n", "g", inline( code )) "
\n" \ _block( substr( block, len + 1) ); # Indented Code Block } else if ( match(block, /^( |\t)( *\t*[^ \t\n]+ *\t*)+(\n|$)(( |\t)[^\n]+(\n|$)|[ \t]*(\n|$))*/) ) { len = RLENGTH; st = RSTART; code = substr(block, 1, len); gsub(/(^|\n)( |\t)/, "\n", code); gsub(/^\n|\n+$/, "", code); return "
" HTML( code ) "
\n" \ _block( substr( block, len + 1 ) ); # Fenced Divs (pandoc, custom) } else if ( match( block, /^(:::+)/ ) ) { guard = substr( block, 1, RLENGTH ); code = gensub(/^[^\n]+\n/, "", 1, block); attrib = gensub(/^:::+[ \t]*\{?[ \t]*([^\}\n]*)\}?[ \t]*\n.*$/, "\\1", 1, block); gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/, " ", attrib); gsub(/(^ | $)/, "", attrib); if ( match(code, "(^|\n)" guard "+(\n|$)" ) ) { len = RLENGTH; st = RSTART; return "
" _block( substr(code, 1, st - 1) ) "
\n" \ _block( substr( code, st + len ) ); } else { match( block, /(^|\n)[[:space:]]*(\n|$)/ ) || match( block, /$/ ); len = RLENGTH; st = RSTART; return "

" inline( substr(block, 1, st - 1) ) "

\n" \ _block( substr(block, st + len) ); } # Fenced Code Block (pandoc) } else if ( match( block, /^(~~~+|```+)/ ) ) { guard = substr( block, 1, RLENGTH ); code = gensub(/^[^\n]+\n/, "", 1, block); attrib = gensub(/^(~~~+|```+)[ \t]*\{?[ \t]*([^\}\n]*)\}?[ \t]*\n.*$/, "\\2", 1, block); gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/, " ", attrib); gsub(/(^ | $)/, "", attrib); if ( match(code, "(^|\n)" guard "+(\n|$)" ) ) { len = RLENGTH; st = RSTART; return "
" HTML( substr(code, 1, st - 1) ) "
\n" \ _block( substr( code, st + len ) ); } else { match( block, /(^|\n)[[:space:]]*(\n|$)/ ) || match( block, /$/ ); len = RLENGTH; st = RSTART; return "

" inline( substr(block, 1, st - 1) ) "

\n" \ _block( substr(block, st + len) ); } # Unordered list } else if ( match( block, "^ ? ? ?[-+*][ \t]+[^\n]+(\n|$)" \ "(([ \t]*\n)* ? ? ?[-+*][ \t]+[^\n]+(\n|$)" \ "|([ \t]*\n)*( ? ? ?\t| +)[^\n]+(\n|$)" \ "|[^\n]+(\n|$))*" ) ) { list = substr( block, 1, RLENGTH); block = substr( block, RLENGTH + 1); indent = length( gensub(/[-+*][ \t]+[^\n]+.*$/, "", 1, list) ); gsub("(^|\n) {0," indent "}", "\n", list); return "\n
    \n" _list( substr(list, 2) ) "
\n" _block( block ); # Ordered list } else if ( match( block, "^ ? ? ?([0-9]+|#)\\.[ \t]+[^\n]+(\n|$)" \ "(([ \t]*\n)* ? ? ?([0-9]+|#)\\.[ \t]+[^\n]+(\n|$)" \ "|([ \t]*\n)*( ? ? ?\t| +)[^\n]+(\n|$)" \ "|[^\n]+(\n|$))*" ) ) { list = substr( block, 1, RLENGTH); block = substr( block, RLENGTH + 1); indent = length( gensub(/([0-9]+|#)\.[ \t]+[^\n]+.*$/, "", 1, list) ); gsub("(^|\n) {0," indent "}", "\n", list); return "\n
    \n" _list( substr(list, 2) ) "
\n" _block( block ); # First Order Heading } else if ( match( block, /^[^\n]+\n===+(\n|$)/ ) ) { len = RLENGTH; HL[1]++; HL[2] = 0; HL[3] = 0; HL[4] = 0; HL[5] = 0; HL[6] = 0; return "

" \ inline( gensub( /\n.*$/, "", "g", block ) ) \ "

\n\n" \ _block( substr( block, len + 1 ) ); # Second Order Heading } else if ( match( block, /^[^\n]+\n---+(\n|$)/ ) ) { len = RLENGTH; HL[2]++; HL[3] = 0; HL[4] = 0; HL[5] = 0; HL[6] = 0; return "

" \ inline( gensub( /\n.*$/, "", "g", block ) ) \ "

\n\n" \ _block( substr( block, len + 1) ); # Nth Order Heading } else if ( match( block, /^#{1,6}[ \t]*[^\n]+([ \t]*#*)(\n|$)/ ) ) { len = RLENGTH; hlvl = length( gensub( /^(#{1,6}).*$/, "\\1", "g", block ) ); htxt = gensub(/^#{1,6}[ \t]*(([^ \t\n]+|[ \t]+[^ \t\n#]|[ \t]+#+[^\n#])+)([ \t]*#*)(\n.*)?$/, "\\1", 1, block); HL[hlvl]++; for ( n = hlvl + 1; n < 7; n++) { HL[n] = 0;} hid = HL[1]; for ( n = 2; n <= hlvl; n++) { hid = hid "." HL[n] ; } return "" inline( htxt ) \ "\n\n" \ _block( substr( block, len + 1) ); # block images (wrapped in
) } else if ( match(block, /^!\[([^]]*)\]\(([^"\)]+)([ \t]+"([^"]+)")?\)(\{([a-zA-Z \t-]*)\})?(\n|$)/) ) { len = RLENGTH; text = gensub(/^!\[([^]]*)\]\(([^"\)]+)([ \t]+"([^"]+)")?\)(\{([a-zA-Z \t-]*)\})?(\n.*)?$/, "\\1", "g", block); href = gensub(/^!\[([^]]*)\]\(([^"\)]+)([ \t]+"([^"]+)")?\)(\{([a-zA-Z \t-]*)\})?(\n.*)?$/, "\\2", "g", block); title = gensub(/^!\[([^]]*)\]\(([^"\)]+)([ \t]+"([^"]+)")?\)(\{([a-zA-Z \t-]*)\})?(\n.*)?$/, "\\4", "g", block); attrib = gensub(/^!\[([^]]*)\]\(([^"\)]+)([ \t]+"([^"]+)")?\)(\{([a-zA-Z \t-]*)\})?(\n.*)?$/, "\\6", "g", block); if ( title && attrib ) { return "
" \ "\""" \ "
" inline(title) "
" \ "
\n\n" \ _block( substr( block, len + 1) ); } else if ( title ) { return "
" \ "\""" \ "
" inline(title) "
" \ "
\n\n" \ _block( substr( block, len + 1) ); } else if ( attrib ) { return "
" \ "\""" \ "
\n\n" \ _block( substr( block, len + 1) ); } else { return "
" \ "\""" \ "
\n\n" \ _block( substr( block, len + 1) ); } # reference style images (block) } else if ( match(line, /^!\[([^]]*)\] ?\[([^]]*)\](\n|$)/ ) ) { len = RLENGTH; text = gensub(/^!\[([^\n]*)\] ?\[([^\n]*)\](\n.*)?$/, "\\1", 1, block); id = gensub(/^!\[([^\n]*)\] ?\[([^\n]*)\](\n.*)?$/, "\\2", 1, block); if ( ! id ) id = text; if ( rl_href[id] && rl_title[id] ) { return "
" \ "\""" \ "
" inline(rl_title[id]) "
" \ "
\n\n" \ _block( substr( block, len + 1) ); } else if ( rl_href[id] ) { return "
" \ "\""" \ "
\n\n" \ _block( substr( block, len + 1) ); } else { return "

" HTML(substr(block, 1, len)) "

\n" _block( substr(block, len + 1) ); } # Macros (standalone <> calls handled as block, so they are not wrapped in paragraph) } else if ( AllowMacros && match( block, /^<<(([^>]|>[^>])+)>>(\n|$)/) ) { len = RLENGTH; text = gensub(/^<<(([^>]|>[^>])+)>>(\n.*)?$/, "\\1", 1, block); return macro(text) _block(substr(block, len + 1)); # Split paragraphs } else if ( match( block, /(^|\n)[[:space:]]*(\n|$)/) ) { len = RLENGTH; st = RSTART; return _block( substr(block, 1, st - 1) ) "\n" \ _block( substr(block, st + len) ); # Horizontal rule } else if ( match( block, /(^|\n) ? ? ?((\* *){3,}|(- *){3,}|(_ *){3,})($|\n)/) ) { len = RLENGTH; st = RSTART; return _block(substr(block, 1, st - 1)) "
\n" _block(substr(block, st + len)); # Plain paragraph } else { return "

" inline(block) "

\n"; } } function _list( block, last, LOCAL, p) { if ( ! length(block) ) return ""; gsub(/^([-+*]|[0-9]+\.|#\.)( ? ? ?|\t)/, "", block) # slice next list item from input if ( match( block, /\n([-+*]|[0-9]+\.|#\.)[ \t]+[^\n]+/) ) { p = substr( block, 1, RSTART); block = substr( block, RSTART + 1); } else { p = block; block = ""; } sub( /\n +([-+*]|[0-9]+\.|#\.)/, "\n&", p ); # if this should be a paragraph item # either previous item (last) or current item (p) contains blank lines if (match(last, /\n[[:space:]]*\n/) || match(p, /\n[[:space:]]*\n/) ) { last = p; p = _block(p); } else { last = p; p = _block(p); sub( /^

/, "", p ); sub( /<\/p>\n/, "", p ); } sub( /\n$/, "", p ); # Task List (pandoc, custom) if ( p ~ /^\[ \].*/ ) { return "

  • " \ substr(p, 4) "
  • \n" _list( block, last ); } else if ( p ~ /^\[-\].*/ ) { return "
  • " \ substr(p, 4) "
  • \n" _list( block, last ); } else if ( p ~ /^\[\?\].*/ ) { return "
  • " \ substr(p, 4) "
  • \n" _list( block, last ); } else if ( p ~ /^\[\/\].*/ ) { return "
  • " \ substr(p, 4) "
  • \n" _list( block, last ); } else if ( p ~ /^\[[xX]\].*/ ) { return "
  • " \ substr(p, 4) "
  • \n" _list( block, last ); } else if ( p ~ /^

    \[ \].*/ ) { return "

  • " \ substr(p, 7) "

  • \n" _list( block, last ); } else if ( p ~ /^

    \[-\].*/ ) { return "

  • " \ substr(p, 7) "

  • \n" _list( block, last ); } else if ( p ~ /^

    \[\?\].*/ ) { return "

  • " \ substr(p, 7) "

  • \n" _list( block, last ); } else if ( p ~ /^

    \[\/\].*/ ) { return "

  • " \ substr(p, 7) "

  • \n" _list( block, last ); } else if ( p ~ /^

    \[[xX]\].*/ ) { return "

  • " \ substr(p, 7) "

  • \n" _list( block, last ); } else { return "
  • " p "
  • \n" _list( block, last ); } } BEGIN { # Global Vars file = ""; rl_href[""] = ""; rl_title[""] = ""; if (ENVIRON["MD_HTML"] == "true") { AllowHTML = "true"; } HL[1] = 0; HL[2] = 0; HL[3] = 0; HL[4] = 0; HL[5] = 0; HL[6] = 0; # Buffering of full file ist necessary, e.g. to find reference links while (getline) { file = file $0 "\n"; } # Clean up MS-DOS line breaks gsub(/\r\n/, "\n", file); # Fill array of reference links f = file; rl_id; re_reflink = "(^|\n) ? ? ?\\[([^]\n]+)\\]: ([^ \t\n]+)(\n?[ \t]+(\"([^\"]+)\"|'([^']+)'|\\(([^)]+)\\)))?(\n|$)"; # /(^|\n) ? ? ?\[([^]\n]+)\]: ([^ \t\n]+)(\n?[ \t]+("([^"]+)"|'([^']+)'|\(([^)]+)\)))?(\n|$)/ while ( match(f, re_reflink ) ) { rl_id = gensub( re_reflink, "\\2", 1, substr(f, RSTART, RLENGTH) ); rl_href[rl_id] = gensub( re_reflink, "\\3", 1, substr(f, RSTART, RLENGTH) ); rl_title[rl_id] = gensub( re_reflink, "\\5", 1, substr(f, RSTART, RLENGTH) ); f = substr(f, RSTART + RLENGTH); rl_title[rl_id] = substr( rl_title[rl_id], 2, length(rl_title[rl_id]) - 2 ); if ( rl_href[rl_id] ~ /<.*>/ ) rl_href[rl_id] = substr( rl_href[rl_id], 2, length(rl_href[rl_id]) - 2 ); } # Clear reflinks from File while( gsub(re_reflink, "\n", file ) ); # for (n in rl_href) { debug(n " | " rl_href[n] " | " rl_title[n] ); } # Run Block Processing -> The Actual Markdown! printf "%s", _block( file ); }