#!/bin/zsh list_comments() { base="$1" for each in $(ls -r Wiki/${base}.comment.<0000000001-9999999999>_<000-999>); do author=$(grep -m1 '^author=' "$each" |cut -d= -f2-) echo "

$author wrote:

" tail -n+2 $each |_wiki echo '
' done } add_comment(){ info="$1" cat <<-WikiEND Comment / Ask WikiEND } wikitext="$(_wiki Wiki/"${info}${rev}")" wikitoc="$(echo -E "$wikitext" \ | sed -rn '/.+<\/h[0-9]>/s;^.*(.+).*$;\3
;p' )" cat <

Revisions: $(rno=1; for each in Wiki/$info.<0000000000-9999999999>; do revi=$(cut -d. -f2 <<<"$each") echo "$rno" rno=$(($rno+1)) done) Latest

$($LOGIN && if [ -z "$lock" ]; then [ -z "$rev" ] && echo "edit this page" [ -n "$rev" ] && echo "Click edit to derive a new page revision from this one." else echo "This page is currently being edited by $lockedit anyway" fi $LOGIN && echo '

Table of Content


