## Choose only on of the possible target types # image=disk.img # squash=rootfs.squash iso=live.iso ## Image size in MB. Needs to be able to hold all software. # imagesize=3072 ## Additional packages packages=firefox-esr,firefox-esr-l10n-de,okular,ssh,gparted,qemu-kvm,mousepad,network-manager-gnome,synaptic,man-db,manpages-de,alsa-utils,pulseaudio,pavucontrol,rdesktop,tmux,debootstrap,ntfs-3g,exfat-utils,exfat-fuse,dosfstools,qemu-system-gui,ncat,make,dnsutils,telnet,debian-installer-launcher,aqemu,qemu-utils,vlc,dolphin,konsole,abiword,gnumeric,gnumeric-plugins-extra,fonts-liberation,aspell-de,frozen-bubble,kpat # packages += ,libreoffice-writer,libreoffice-calc,libreoffice-l10n-de,libreoffice-gnome,hyphen-de,hunspell-de-de-frami ## Debian release, so far only stretch has been tested release=buster ## Comma separated list of config modules from modules/ directory modules=nodm,xfce,live #,approx ## Hostname for the generated machine hostname=live ## Root password will be salted and encrypted in image rootpass=root ## The corresponding .pub file for the given rootkey will be applied as ## SSH login file for the root user. ## If the pub file is not found, a new key pair will be generated # rootkey=image_ssh ## Comma separated list of users to be set up. ## User logins will start out with an empty password ## If the live module is in use, users will also be added to the sudo group # users=adam,steve users=live ## Wifi configuration, if a Wifi password is given, WPA encryption will be used ## without the password, the system will try to connect to an open wifi #wifi=berlin.freifunk.net # wifi=MyWiFi # wifipass=P4ssW0rD ## Timezone as offered by Debians tzdata selection timezone=Europe/Berlin ## Comma separated list of locales, first one will become default locale locales=de_DE.UTF-8 #,en_US.UTF-8 keyboard=de ## If nodm is installed, you can choose a user to login automatically ## If no user is given here, then nodm will default to root nodm_user=live ## In nodm, use full screen chromium web browser as session # webui=http://localhost/ ## When using NIS modules the directory server should be given # nis_server=nismaster ## If the approxmodule is enabled, then one (and only one) apt-source ## can be choosen to install packages from ## See modules/approx.mk if you need more flexibility # approx=http://localhost:9000/debian .PHONY: _live_initrd _favorites _bootmount _config: _live_initrd _favorites _isosquash: _bootmount _live_initrd: cfg_root _live_modules # printf '%s\n' "isofs" "squashfs" "ata_generic" "usb_storage" "sr_mod" "mmc_block" >>"$${CFGROOT}/etc/initramfs-tools/modules" sed -i 's;^MODULES=.*$$;MODULES=most;' "$${CFGROOT}/etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf" sed -i 's;^COMPRESS=.*$$;COMPRESS=xz;' "$${CFGROOT}/etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf" _config: cfg_root/usr/share/kxmlgui5/dolphin/dolphinui.rc _config: cfg_root/usr/local/bin/gksu cfg_root/usr/share/kxmlgui5/dolphin/dolphinui.rc: cfg_root _xfce mkdir -p "$(dir $@)" printf '%s\n' '' \ '' \ '' \ '' \ '' \ '' \ >$@ cfg_root/usr/local/bin/gksu: ln -s /usr/bin/sudo $@ ln -s /usr/bin/sudo $@do _favorites: _xfce printf 'favorites=libreoffice-startcenter.desktop,firefox-esr.desktop,xfce4-terminal.desktop,org.kde.dolphin.desktop,mousepad.desktop,synaptic.desktop,aqemu.desktop,gparted.desktop' \ >"$${CFGROOT}/etc/xdg/xfce4/panel/whiskermenu-10.rc" _bootmount: cfg_root _config printf '/lib/live/mount/medium /boot/ bind auto,bind 0 0\n' >>"$${CFGROOT}/etc/fstab"